
010615 : Meyer Rieger - Rosa Barba - Inside a Magnified Picture

Meyer Rieger Rosa Barba - Inside a Magnified Picture 01.05.2015 - 20.06.2015 Time game By Raimar Stange At the centre of the solo exhibition "Inside a Magnified Picture" by Rosa Barba in the Berliner Galerie Meyer Riegger stands her film "Time as Perspective", 2012. The film, shown for the first time in Germany, poses questions in such reduced and concentrated-redundant language about the relationship of time, space and the linguistic illusions of both. The Galerie Meyer Riegger has turned itself into a cinema, darkened and furnished with a large screen and auditorium. The film "Time as Perspective" is very convincing. Filmed from a bird's eye point of view, an enormous area in the Texan desert is to be seen on which drilling rigs carry out their work pumping rhythmically. On the one hand, the film is interrupted by close-ups of the pumps, on the other by text inserts. "When an illusion ends distance doesn't longer exist" is to be read there, or: "Redefining signs". The landscape set in the moving picture by the Italian artist has indeed been calculated into a drawing field through the interaction of text and the shots of the camera's stoical journey. So the film has been relocated into a diffuse timelessness with its slightly brown tones and the photocopied technique which looks neither modern nor antiquated here and which is permanently irritating. Meyer Riegger 10969 Berlin, Friedrichstrasse 235 Tel: +49 (0)30 315 665 80 Fax: +49 (0)30 315 665 81 http://www.meyer-riegger.de Opening hours: Tue - Sat, Wed - Sun 11-18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Meyer Riegger
76137 Karlsruhe, Klauprechtstraße 22
Tel: +49 721 821292, Fax: +49 721 9822141
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-14 h

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