
010615 : Museum Liaunig: Wirklichkeiten – Painting against the grain

Museum Liaunig Wirklichkeiten – Painting against the grain 26.04. 2015 - 31.10.2015 More obsession please! By Margareta Sandhofer To create a successful extension of his self-created iconic architecture is quite a challenge. But the architect team, querkraft, has taken the hurdle. The Museum Liaunig was opened in 2008. Now, due to a lack of exhibition and depot space, additional space had to be created. Since April 2015, a further 2,000 square metres of exhibition space has been presented to the public. The sovereign pitch of the first large exhibition hall is stylishly and meaningfully complemented by the complex structure of the new room. New internal connection routes and subterranean facilities have been created. In her characteristic handwriting, Esther Stocker has succeeded in a dynamic creation of the, artistically difficult to master, tubular passageway which includes the sculpture depot. The additional presentation of the remarkable collection of portrait miniatures as well as a glass collection in newly designed components unfortunately presents itself in confusing disharmony through the boring and insensitive array of rather ugly vitrines. On the other hand, the main exhibition offers an impressive and also art historically striking contribution with the, to date, most comprehensive presentation of paintings and drawings of the artist grouping "Wirklichkeiten". In 1968, under this title, Otto Breicha exhibited the individualistic positions of Wolfgang Herzig, Martha Jungwirth, Kurt Kocherscheidt, Peter Pongratz, Franz Ringel and Robert Zeppel-Sperl in the Wiener Secession. For the first time in the museum's history, items on loan were exhibited in "Wirklichkeiten". The same goes for the special exhibition showing Sean Scully’s paintings from the past ten years. Thus, this year, an explicit concentration on painting awaits the visitor. The virility of the collection not only lies in the plethora and breadth of the cumulative Austrian contemporary art, but above all in the passionate subjectivity of the stock and in the palpable pleasure of exhibiting one’s own property. Next year, the planned sculpture park will be opened and perhaps the momentary absence of obsession will then break through even more vehemently. Museum Liaunig 9155 Neuhaus/Suha, Neuhaus 41 Tel: +43 (0)4356 211 15 email: office@museumliaunig.at http://www.museumliaunig.at/ Opening hours: Wed – Sat: 10 – 18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum Liaunig
9155 Neuhaus/Suha, Neuhaus 41
Tel: +43 (0)4356 211 15
Email: office@museumliaunig.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 10-18 h

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