
180515: Nolan Judin: Philipp Fürhofer - In Light of the Hidden

Nolan Judin Philipp Fürhofer - In Light of the Hidden 01.05.2015 – 27.06.2015 Stage presence By Thomas Kuhn The transition from one artistic medium to another is an act which is not always easily done. In the case of Philipp Fürhofer, it's about the leap from stage setting to fine art. An applied composition that on stage is a natural component of the production may, in an exhibition room, lose something that would otherwise be self-evident on a stage. At any rate, Philipp Fürhofer's intricately conceived objects adhere to a certain staginess which, if nothing else, can be attributed to the changing light situations which arise from switching integrated lamps on and off. This theatrical effect is combined with a deep grasp on trash aesthetic in terms of materiality and a combination of the elements. At the same time, bonds to the hidden intermedial works of Robert Rauschenberg are revealed, where silhouettes of partially life-sized figures which are recognisable within the multilayered foils and panes, are called to mind. Also dramatic: the titles in which a considerable amount of pathos can be felt. Already, the introductory citation by Galileo Galilei, with which the gallery wants to facilitate access to a text-based understanding of the works, is high flying. Jane Neal, author of the text, also then refers to Wagner, indicates inspiring sources and provides the blinking installation with a halo of high culture. Effectively, the Wagnerian concept "Gesamtkunstwerk" may legitimately bridge the gap between the media and contexts. The transposition of the exhibition room into a stage can also facilitate and highlight a specific understanding of this that is "treated" here as social, cultural and, above all, as economic. But does the work stretch so far as to include the Conditio humana? The view from the rood loft into the gallery facilitates the discovery of a veritable quality of Philipp Fürhofer's installations. It's the manifold, varied light reflections on the floor of the exhibition room that simulate an abstract play. At least for these it's worth a glance at his work which is presented by Judin under ideal conditions. Nolan Judin 10785 Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 83 Tel: +49 30 39 40 48 40 Fax: +49 30 39 40 48 420 email: info@nolan-judin.de http://www.nolan-judin.com Opening hours: Tue - Sat 11-18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Judin
10785 Berlin, Potsdamer Straße 83
Tel: +49 30 39 40 48 40, Fax: +49 30 39 40 48 420
Email: info@galeriejudin.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Sa 11-18 h

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