
090315: Albertina - Sturtevant

Albertina Sturtevant 14.02.2015 – 10.05.2015 Completed early by Nina Schedlmayer In exhibitions, one would often like to beam oneself back to the time in which the art was created. In Elaine Sturtevant's exhibition in the Albertina – only works on paper by the artist (deceased aged 90 in 2014) are shown – one would have sometimes liked to have been an observer in the year 1964 at the time the US artist began to copy pop art subjects. Claes Oldenburg's hamburger, Jasper John's array of figures and flags and Warhol's flowers were not given such short measure then as they are today. It's quite possible that Sturtevant's copies of these – some one-to-one, some combined with one another – were merely intellectual mind games for insiders. Sturtevant's criticism of the mechanisms of the art market and of the fetish for original works are condensed in the fastidious doubling of their templates. With her 100 works, the Albertina presents an encompassing show not only of the pop art icons which Sturtevant later took up again as of the 1980's, but also her copies of Beuys’ or Duchamps’ drawings – artists who had a special relationship to that which was original. Sturtevant's complete works, for which she received the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 2011, can be labelled as consequent on the one hand – and on the other, as one that has never really developed further. In the gratifyingly unspectacular exhibition catalogue, Robert Fleck is quoted: "Already her first work 'Johns Flag' in 1964 was already completed from the point of view of the complete works. Nothng else had to be developed. She thinks the things right through rigorously, frankly and intellectually like a philosopher." This is also reflected here: Because although it is not unexciting to follow Sturtevant's choice of the show inevitably goes into redundancy, remains a contradiction unto itself. But that's inherent in Sturtevant's art. Albertina 1010 Vienna, Albertinaplatz 1 Tel: +43 1 534 83 -0 Fax: +43 1 533 76 97 E-mail: info@albertina.at http://www.albertina.at Opening hours: Daily. 10-18 hours, Wed 10-21 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1010 Wien, Albertinaplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 534 83 -0, Fax: +43 1 533 76 97
Email: info@albertina.at
Öffnungszeiten: Tägl. 10-18h, Mi 10-21 h

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