translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville,
260115 : Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt - German Pop
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
German Pop
06.11.2014 – 08.02.2015
Pop, a passer-by
Daniela Gregori
"QUIBB art is not a German version of Pop Art, New Vulgarism, Junk Culture, Nouveau-Réalisme or Neo-Dada", say the first of 15 points confidently of the first QUIBB Manifesto, signed by HP Alvermann and Winfried Gaul in Düsseldorf on 30 January 1963. At that time, at the latest, that from which one wanted to distance oneself, arrived in Germany. Several months later, it sounded much more positive from the point of view of a conception: "Live with Pop – a demonstration for capitalist realism" was the title of the, meanwhile legendary, exhibition in a Düsseldorf furniture store with no one less as their protagonists than Gerhard Richter and Konrad Lueg, later known as gallery owner Konrad Fischer. "German Pop" is the title of an exhibition in the Frankfurt's Schirn now focussing on the Pop phenomenon in Germany.
Of course the roots of Pop Art are to be found in England, but what was fascinating was the type of playing which washed over here from the USA, the penchant for consumer culture, for mass media, the levelling of the significance between high and low. Differences are all too apparent, its finally societal aspects which stand here in the foreground. "This glamorous celebration of the surface would not have been possible so shortly after the war", opines the curator of the exhibition, Martina Weinhart, in a discussion, but one has to remember that it concerned the first realistic art movement in Germany after the war. In the western world, avantgarde means abstractness, now, a younger generation of artists deals with urgent themes like coming to terms with the past or, as it were an actual theme, the Vietnam war with the definite gestures of Pop.
Düsseldorf, Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich mark the centres, within the cartography of the German Pop, the surrounding terrain appears to be a white field, a circumstance that also astonished the curator. Admittedly, there is active communication between these locations within the axis Düsseldorf –Berlin. As of the 60's, the Rheinland took a certain pioneer position in the area of art, in Düsseldorf, works ranged between being classic to experimental. In west Berlin, the producer gallery "Großgörschen 36" was founded for the purpose of self-help, and additionally, the young gallery owner, René Block, took a mediating role and in the following decade then in New York. In Munich, artists from groups such as "Geflecht", "Spur" or "Wir" combined informal quotes with those of Pop, an individualism which could hardly win through. And lastly, in Frankfurt, the most Americanized of the German cities, Thomas Bayrle and Peter Roehr stand out.
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11.00-19.00 hours, Wed - Sat 11.00-22.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 11.00-19.00 Uhr, Mi - Sa 11.00-22.00 uhr
Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Römerberg
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 11.00-19.00 Uhr, Mi - Sa 11.00-22.00 uhr