
151214 : zs art Galerie - ballet concrete

zs art Galerie ballet concrete 04.11.2014 – 09.01.2015 Nostalgic complexes By Flora Schausberger “The picture should be constructed entirely from purely plastic elements, that is to say, planes and colours. A pictorial element has no other significane than “itself”, and therefore the picture has no other significance than “itself”, said Theo van Doesburg in 1930 in “Concrete Art”. In today’s trend-dominated art world, in which even the most minimal line is accompanied by a long (con)text, without which one may not understand the piece of art one is just looking at, the Dutch painter’s postulate seems like a temporary nostalgic relief. The choreography of works showing concrete contemporary art in the zs art Galerie, developed from an apparently accurate appraisal of art historic sources. The gallery is presenting, among others, works by Roland Goeschl, John Carter, Leo Zogmayer, Helga Philipp, and Laszlo Otto. With their formal aesthetic perfection, the self-reflective works constructed using planes, shapes and colours, evade all criticism. Announced as an “extract of concrete contemporary art”, the arrangement shown in the zs art Galerie almost over-fulfils these expectations – and this is also the exhibition’s drawback. Including several younger positions of Concrete Art would have done the exhibition good. Nevertheless, Theo van Doesburg would have definitely enjoyed the exhibition. But even if doesn't appeal to everyone – it is definitely worthwhile to take a tour through the gallery. zs art Galerie 1070 Vienna, Westbahnstrasse 27 – 29 Tel: +43-1-895 9395 11 email: galerie@zsart.at http://www.zsart.at Opening hours: Mon – Fri 11.00 – 19.00 hours and by appointment
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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zs art Galerie
1070 Wien, Westbahnstraße 27-29
Tel: +43-1-895 9395 11
Email: galerie@zsart.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 12-18, h
Sa nach Vereinbarug

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