
151214 : Museum Ludwig - Andrea Büttner – 2

Museum Ludwig Andrea Büttner – 2 05.09.2014 – 15.03.2015 2 like day and night By Daniela Gregori Always these decisions, one exhibition, two rooms. Should one enter the left one, brightly lit, furnished with highly diverse flatware or go into the right one, darkened, from which the tones of a piano emerge? The exhibition by Andrea Büttner in the Kölner Museum Ludwig is called 2 and it is to be surmised that exactly those two rooms and the decision of the either/or lend themselves to the title. According to good occidental tradition and reading direction, now turn left, after all, into the brightness, and also because there's the promise of closer description from laminated pages about the 11 large tableaus with images of the most diverse provenance and mediality. Thinking about Warburg's Mnemosyne atlas, one tries to establish connections between the individual motives, to find associations, to read narrations and yet one doesn't get anywhere. And it won't work because the red thread that holds the so diverse illustrative material together lies bound as a display copy on the bench. These pictures function splendidly here, as a visual complement to a text. Besides her art studies in Berlin and London and a degree in philosophy, Büttner set about illustrating Immanuel Kant's "Critique of the Power of Judgement", which now hangs split into boards arranged on the wall. On the basis of the book collection in Kant's private library, the artist made reference to the master's knowledge of pictures and completed it through all sorts of other illustrative and picture materials, especially marked there in the text of stated works. The Kant edition, illustrated by Büttner in this way, will shortly be published by Felix Meiner. Likewise, with historical material in her latest work, Büttner goes ahead with the installation "Piano Destructions 2014" in the darkened part of the exhibition. In this video recording, nine pianists play synchronized pieces by Schumann and Chopin. Recordings of actions run parallel on the side wall, in which artists maltreat pianos until they are destroyed. Whilst, in rock music, it is courteous to destroy guitars, in the visual arts, one prefers to adopt the bourgeois key instruments. Chiefly, as also stated in the accompanying text, it is male protagonists who destroy the pianos. Quite plainly, female perfection stands here opposed to male destruction. One changes over to the light room once more, observes the abstract reverse glass paintings and large format woodcarvings, both traditional craftsmen's techniques in folk culture and everyday culture. And one smiles to oneself as one imagines how the artist took such a perfect thing apart for the "Piano" sheet, in order to use the accurately laid out parts of the wooden corpus as printing blocks. Museum Ludwig 50667 Köln, Bischofsgartenstr. 1 Tel: +49-221-221-26165 Fax: +49-221-221-24114 E-mail: info@museum-ludwig.de http://www.museenkoeln.de/museum-ludwig/default.asp Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10.00-18.00, and every 1st Friday in the month 10.00-22.00
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum Ludwig
50667 Köln, Bischofsgartenstr. 1
Tel: +49-221-221-26165
Email: info@museum-ludwig.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 1018, jeden 1. Donnerstag im Monat 10-22 h

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