
171114 : KM – Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien Ordinary freaks – The principle of coolness in Pop, theatre and museums

KM – Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien Ordinary freaks – The principle of coolness in Pop, theatre and museums 28. 09. 2014 – 20. 11. 2014 Be Bop, Be Bop – A Lu She Bop By Nora Theiss For young people, the 1980s were dominated by the feeling of “everything goes”. Young girls were prepared to conquer the world and Pop culture offered them powerful role models, such as Cindy Lauper, Madonna, Nena or Nina Hagen. They were allowed to be freaky, gothic or punky – regardless of the order. Even visual arts were inspired by “everything goes”, and, at that time, artists such as Martin Kippenberger or Albert Öhlen explored the playground of the Forum Stadtpark in Graz. Being cheeky and snotty was fashionable and led to success. Now, 30 years later, when the principle of coolness at the interface of visual arts, Pop culture in general, theatre and music is being questioned, many of us might have a flashback. And many will, and should, ask themselves what the topicality of this exhibition is. Some of the works shown, definitely come across as snotty and cheeky, e.g. works by Kim Gordon or Martin Martin Creed. In any case, the photo series “Thirteen Colour Punk Photos” by Bruce Connor is the exhibition’s highlight. This exhibition is absolutely perfect for those who choose a melancholic approach to the days of Pop and art. It is easy to feel young and wild again, and to devote oneself to the effervescent opportunities life offers. KM– Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien 8010 Graz, Burgring 2 Tel: +43 316 740 084 email: hd@km-k.at http://www.km-k.at Opening hours: Tue – Sun: 11 – 18 hours, Thu: 11-20 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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KM– Künstlerhaus Halle für Kunst & Medien
8010 Graz, Burgring 2
Tel: +43 316 740 084
Email: hd@km-k.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So11-17 h

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