
201014: PSM Gallery: Christian Falsnaes - Performance works

PSM Gallery: Christian Falsnaes - Performance works 18.09.14 to 01.11.14 You are now leaving the comfort zone! By Eva Scharrer Christian Falsnaes (*1980 in Copenhagen, lives in Berlin) consequently radicalized the participatory moment of the performance work – thereby giving nothing away."Performance Works", Christian Falsnaes' second exhibition in the Berlin PSM Gallery, probably represents the most consequent answer to the ABC (Art Berlin Contemporary) Art Fair which is open in parallel. Whilst rather more viewing than buying is done at the ABC, there's nothing here to see without making an effort: for instance, the work doesn't develop "in the eye of the beholder", but only after the purchase agreement has been signed. The differently and complexly laid out performances cost between 800 and 10.000 Euro, whereby the realisation from one unique, intimate experience to a contractual licence is often sufficient to present a piece according to the script, as long as the set conditions for it are fulfilled and the buyer, as the new owner of the performance, has been primed by the artist ("Workshop", all 2014). He who doesn't want to buy can always try to present the works based on the instructions. However, these don't convey poetic pictures as, for instance, the "Instruction Pieces" by Yoko Ono, but simply the parameters that, for example, look like: "Fulfilling Your Expectations" is a performance that contains singing, dancing, painting, touching, logical speech, nonsensical speech, nudity, and a surprise. "Fulfilling Your Expectations" is shown only once, and only to the purchaser of the work. If – and only if – the work is purchased, Christian Falsnaes will show "Fulfilling Your Expectations" to the purchaser. Falsnaes moves the, for his work central aspect of the interaction with the public, over to the collector, whereby the authoritarian summons to participation which runs consistently through his work, is once again pointedly directed to the mechanism of the art markets – without a collector, the work does not even exist. Besides the market value of the immaterial and the dynamic of instruction vs. improvisation – aspects that, for instance, also play a role in the work of Tino Sehgal – it's all about seduction, hope, trust and co-operation here. But it isn't completed by payment for the work alone. Falsnaes' performances are not made for the passive consumption but always demand a decision, a leaving of the individual comfort zone. To let oneself in for this can result in interaction with strangers, collective painting of canvasses or carrying out absurd actions in front of the public, whereby one also runs the risk of suddenly standing completely naked at an art fair – as, for instance, in "Justified Beliefs", Falsnaes' statement contribution to this year's Art Basel. In the process of their creation, each of the five works offered here also involve other artistic media such as painting, drawing, photography or video. And thus, the gallery is at least not quite empty: the displayed score belonging to the work "Time/Line/Movement" has to be portrayed within a few minutes by the buyer at the time of acquisition and the "Original" then burnt, all of which is captured by photography. Die interpretation will be attached to the original. An interesting dynamic is thus created between the artist's control over his work and the simultaneous relinquishing of authorship to the consumer. PSM Gallery 10179 Berlin Köpenicker Strasse 126, Tel: +49 30 75524626 email: office@psm-gallery.com http://www.psm-gallery.com Opening hours: Tue - Sat 12.00 - 18.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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PSM Gallery
10785 Berlin, Schöneberger Ufer 61
Tel: +49 30 75524626, Fax: +49 30 75524625
Email: office@psm-gallery.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Sa 12-18h

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