
140714 : Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier I’m Isa Genzken – The only Female Fool

Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier I’m Isa Genzken – The only Female Fool 28.05.2014 – 07.09.2014 Solo exhibition plus By Nina Schedlmayer Until now, Nicolaus Schaffhauser’s projects in the Kunsthalle Wien left one rather helpless. However, with the current solo exhibition by Isa Genzken he achieved a great success. This is not the first solo exhibit of Isa Genzken’s works in Vienna, but they were not as extensive as the one in the Kunsthalle. It is obvious that she is one of the great stars. Upon entering the hall, visitors will find of Genzken’s steles with colourful adhesive film and photos showing urban spaces. The urban topic is omnipresent throughout the exhibition. Immediately next to the entrance, there are models of homeless people in their mingy sleeping bags on the floor, and a little further back the underground station in Duisburg is documented, which Genzken designed together with Gerhard Richter. But this exhibition is not just an arrangement of diverse works by Genzken, they are supplemented with works by other artists. While this type of a concept could easily come across as rather trivial, this is definitely not the case here. Not with a painting by Wolfgang Tillmans depicting the leftovers of an obviously boozy party – in front of which two mirrored blocks created by Genzken show seemingly endless reflections of a visitor; and also not in Dan Graham and Robin Hirst’s installation on “Private ‘Public’ Space”, hung next to Genzken’s “Strandhäuser zum Umziehen” (Beach house for changing). In Genzken’s works, trash and elegance, as well as incidental and meaningful incidents create a rarely achieved impressive symbiosis. Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier 1070 Vienna, Museumsplatz 1 Tel: +43(0)/ 1/ 521 89-0 Fax: +43(0)/ 1/ 521 89-0 http://www.kunsthallewien.at Opening hours: daily 10 - 19 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier
1070 Wien, Museumsplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 521 89-0
Email: office@kunsthallewien.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-19, Do 11-21 h

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