translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville,
030614: 8th Berlin Biennale - Museen Dahlem
8th Berlin Biennale - Museen Dahlem
29. 05. 2014 – 03.08. 2014
Clear Casualness
By Thomas Kuhn
Following the cumbersome 7th Berlin Biennale under the leadership of Artur ?mijewski in 2012, the 8th edition, under Juan A. Gaitán, returns as a meaningful event of art and works. With 53 participants, 80 per cent of the new productions for the Biennale, which have been located between three showplaces, have been realised. The majority are in the Dahlem Museums, followed by the art works in Berlin Mitte and the Haus am Waldsee. The presentation is clear, at least in single spaces dedicated to individual artists which benefits becoming immersed in the works which are often put together in several exhibitions. According to Gaitán, "urbanity" functions as integral dispositive with explicit reference to Berlin, the relationship between inner and outer, middle and periphery, as well as "museumization" as a specific form of arbitration of culture by means of material objects. In light of the numerous non-European artists, the decision for the Dahlem Museum Centre with its ethnological collection appeared to be no random choice because above all, here and less so in art museums, the idea of culture outside Europe is characterised. That Gaitán himself lives in Mexico City appears to be of significance and, in a metaphorical sense, poses the question of location in Berlin Mitte and periphery.
The exhibited works stand literally in a old-fashioned, graphic relationship to Gaitán's issues which also possibly raises the question of an all too illustrative relationship between art and the curative concept. Works by Beatriz González (*1933, Bucaramanga), Michael Stevenson (*1964, Inglewood) and Olaf Nicolai (*1962, Halle/Saale) are presented.
The "museal" presentation theme find different solutions distributed in the house. The exhibition by Mario García Torres (*1975, Monclova) about the experimental musician, Conlon Nancarrow (1912-1997) hardly differs from a "regular" exhibition. The same goes for Natasha Ginwala (*1985, Pune) who, using historical materials, sets out to discover the traces of several 19th century culture researchers. In addition, there are works by Alberto Barayas (*1968, Bogotá) and Wolfgang Tillmans (*1968, Remscheid).
That the paths between the exhibition areas of the Biennale repeatedly force confrontation with the collections that are by no means governed by a uniform production of themes and objects, is a quality of this presentation, which impresses with its casualness.
8. Berlin Biennale - Museen Dahlem
14195 Berlin, Lansstraße 8
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 10 - 18, Sat, Sun 11 – 18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville
Museen Dahlem
14195 Berlin, Lansstraße 8
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 10 - 18, Sa, So 11 - 18h
Museen Dahlem
14195 Berlin, Lansstraße 8
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 10 - 18, Sa, So 11 - 18h