
190514 : Robert Musil Literatur Museum

Robert Musil Literatur Museum Theres Cassini - Possibilities or as yet unborn truths 13.05 2014 – 30.05.2014 Ulrich's qualities By Daniela Gregori Slowly, sieves with single words written on them circle above one's head, the terms superimpose themselves, continually produce new connections, raise questions. It's a cheerful "mix and match" of the words that emerge with the over-dimensional mobile. For her exhibition in the Robert Musil Literatur Museum, Theres Cassini focussed on nothing less than the "The man without qualities", the unfinished main work of the author, from which she redeploys single sentences or the attributes of the protagonists in kinetic plastics. It isn't the first time that the museum in the author's birthplace has embarked on projects on the interface between literature and art - but in this case, it seems as if the connection has succeeded both content-wise as well as formally. Whilst the newly adapted (three years ago), multifunctional entrance area is extensively used, smaller works defer to the show rooms, which, besides Musil, are dedicated to the writers Ingeborg Bachmann and Christine Lavant. Cassini's plastics can be considered as happy-free associations, which remain close to their reference and yet – also because of the carefully thought-out choice of materials – leave room for further thoughts. Robert Musil Literatur Museum 9020 Klagenfurt, Bahnhofstraße 50 Tel: +43 463 501429 Fax: +43 463 501429-1 E-mail: klagenfurt@musilmuseum.at http://www.musilmuseum.at Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-17 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Robert Musil Literatur Museum
9020 Klagenfurt, Bahnhofstraße 50
Tel: +43 463 501429, Fax: +43 463 501429-1
Email: klagenfurt@musilmuseum.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 10-17 h

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