
190514 : Votivkirche: Corporeality and sexuality – Theology of the body in modern art

Votivkirche Corporeality and sexuality – Theology of the body in modern art 26.04 – 15.06 2014 Church and contemporaneity By Hartwig Bischof On schedule to co-ordinate with the canonisation of the two Popes, John XXIII and John-Paul II, an exhibition in Vienna's Votivkirche refers to statements on the theology of the body made by the latter. The papal utterances are summarised to such illustrious themes as innocence, nakedness, lust, shame, redemption of the heart or bridal meaning of the body and confronted with artistic works from the immediate contemporaneity. The specific works from the lists of artists with different degrees of fame were, for the most part, created without a papal-theological background. David von der Stein projects his video "Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens“ onto the masked panes of church windows and along the metal beams, some slits remain free so that the coloured glass lying behind them supports the structure of the video yet again. Similarly congenially integrated are the plastics by Anders Krisár, which show a child's body with the etched traces of two adult hands in the side chapel of the holy grave. Further, there is a video installation by Clemens Wilhelm, and Karmen Frankl's large light globes swing above that part of the church in which, not so long ago, refugees went on hunger strike for a humane accommodation. Votivkirche 1090 Vienna, Rooseveltplatz Tel: +43 688 946 61 50 E-mail: info@kunstglaube.at http://www.leiblichkeit-und-sexualitaet.org Opening hours: Tue-Sat 9-13, 16-18, Sun 9-13
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1090 Wien, Rooseveltplatz
Tel: +43 688 946 61 50
Email: info@kunstglaube.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Sa 9-13, 16-18, So 9-13

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