translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville,
050514: Galerie Tanja Wagner: Annabel Daou – your secret is safe with me
Galerie Tanja Wagner
Annabel Daou – your secret is safe with me
03.05.2014 – 14.06.2014
Intuition and capacity for flight
By Thomas W. Kuhn
"What do you want?" – over three days, Annabel Daou (*1967 in Beirut) asks the visitors to her exhibition what they are aiming for, what they require, what they want. She posts the answers on narrow ribbons, which are then gilded and hung upon thin strings. The artist, who lives in New York, creates fragile-looking works in which she pursues existential questions and thereby ultimately considers to which extent language is able to offer form to these questions and their answers.
It almost appears symbolic that the thin paper strips on which she writes her answers are, in fact, repair tape. Transient like these strips, which are reminiscent of tickertape and telegrams from analogous times, all that appears which is beyond our desire and is already allegedly in our posession. A piece of art that corresponds to the width of two outstretched arms, encompasses all material and immaterial goods which are in the possession of the artist.
In her second solo exhibition with Tanja Wagner, Annabel Daou appears freed from the conceptual constraints and guidelines, which were present in earlier works. "I work more intuitively than earlier when I write texts immediately onto the repair tape and, just as intuitively, cut them into pieces as they are then seen in the work." And astoundingly, the apparently so-fragile reliefs are that much more stable.
Galerie Tanja Wagner
10785 Berlin, Pohlstraße 64
Tel: +49 30 86430120
Fax: +49 30 86430123
Opening hours: Wed-Sat 11:00-18:00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville
Galerie Tanja Wagner
10785 Berlin, Pohlstraße 64
Tel: +49 30 86 43 01 20
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Sa 11-18
Galerie Tanja Wagner
10785 Berlin, Pohlstraße 64
Tel: +49 30 86 43 01 20
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Sa 11-18