
050514: Albertina: Eric Fischl – Friends, Lovers and other Constellations

Albertina Eric Fischl – Friends, Lovers and other Constellations Frozen Idylls By Daniella Gregori If there is something in the USA at the end of the 1970s which does not interest the art scene, it was figurative painting – so the reminiscent opinion of Eric Fischl. And the artist feels drawn towards this for a good reason – "I wanted to draw the viewer closer and more explicitly into my dramas. My goal was first to get them to see exactly what I saw and then to feel what I felt", he said in an exhaustive interview about the catalogue for the exhibition in the Albertina. One knows Fischl's paintings, the master brings the double entendres of the so-called everyday onto the canvas, smooth and glistening. One never really knows what to make of them. What will happen in the next moment? Does it concern the details of the decor, requisites or indicators? Might everything be quite harmless? Fischl lets the viewer himself tie everything up in one moment. "In a certain instant, the scene stops being a scene and becomes an experience. It's an experience because something happens that makes it memorable because it changes the direction in which the people were moving, physically as well as emotionally." His bronze sculptures and delicate aquarelles are presented and in a separate area. One would like to see them in connection with Degas' ballet dancers, because what is dancing other than trying to defy gravity – but it is simply the opposite. Here, it's not about artistic presentations but about the flight into gravity in a sheer, desperate situation. The quotes are taken from the accompanying catalogue "Eric Fischl – Friends, Lovers and other Constellations" published in the Verlag für modern Kunst, Nürnberg www.vfmk.de Albertina 1010 Vienna, Albertinaplatz 1 Tel: +43 1 534 83 -0 Fax: +43 1 533 76 97 E-mail: info@albertina.at http://www.albertina.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1010 Wien, Albertinaplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 534 83 -0, Fax: +43 1 533 76 97
Email: info@albertina.at
Öffnungszeiten: Tägl. 10-18h, Mi 10-21 h

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