
240214 : Galerie Martin Janda: Roman Ondák – Erased Wing Mirror

Galerie Martin Janda Roman Ondák – Erased Wing Mirror 22.01.2014 – 08.03.2014 What’s left of the day By Susanne Rohringer In his third solo exhibition at the Gallery Martin Janda, the Slovak artist Roman Ondák shows alienated objects of his immediate surroundings. Among others, he uses relicts from everyday socialism and underlines, or rather levels, their original meaning. However, the artist not only deals with private and public life in former Slovakia, but he also confronts cultural and art historical questions, such as those regarding the meaning of a mirror and a base. One of his works – “side mirror” shows a white and grey stone shaped like a side mirror of a car in front of a relief-like map. It is the diverse cultural historic meaning of a mirror that Ondák is focussed on. His mirror is blind and allows no reflection. It refuses to provide any information. With this work, Ondák questions if a look in the mirror reflects reality or only an excerpt of reality – or throws back a distorted image. The question if a mirror provides us with knowledge or only shows illusions has occupied people since antiquity. Another topic of art history can be found in the lower floor of the gallery. A square shaped pedestal supports a round, coin-like layer. After taking a closer look it turns out to be a keyhole pointing into the inner of the base. Thereby, in a humorous way, Ondák subverts the – in art history - often overpowering meaning of a pedestal and turns the ashlar, on which one finds the keyhole, to a self-contained object. All in all, the exhibition is a successful presentation of Roman Ondák’s artistic creations of the past two years. Galerie Martin Janda 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11 Tel: +43 1 585 73 71 Fax: +43 1 585 73 72 email: galerie@martinjanda.at http://www.martinjanda.at Opening hours: Tue - Fri 11-18 hours, Sat 11-16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Martin Janda
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 11
Tel: +43 1 585 73 71, Fax: +43 1 585 73 72
Email: galerie@martinjanda.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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