
100214: Galerie nächst St. Stephan: Herbert Brandl – Black River Dark Fighters

Galerie nächst St. Stephan Herbert Brandl – Black River Dark Fighters 24.01.2013 – 15.03.2014 Colour current – water current By Margareta Sandhofer He would have liked to write “SAVE THE BLACK SULM” in large letters above his large waterfall painting, but discarded the idea. And it’s really not necessary- the vehemence of the white foam conveys the urgent appeal. With the exhibition “Black River Dark Fighters”, Herbert Brandl commits himself to his complicity in the fight against saving the Styrian black Sulm from greedy investors. Not depicting the water flow naturalistically, but rather creating the natural model with mighty brush strokes, characterises the untamed natural power of the wild river and thereby places the essence of the endangered natural wonder on canvas. The impulse to transform the foliage into a patchy shimmer was not provided by art history but by a computer monitor: the Sulm-defense web site was his inspiration. Despite the fact that Herbert Brandl frequently walked along the Sulm River and considers it a nourishing, substantial life companion, the paintings were based on photos. Artificiality and nature combine to a hybrid form that oscillates between representationalism and abstraction. Water current or colour current, the impression occasionally topples. Moreover: solid waterfall paintings emerge in Brandl’s oeuvre almost simultaneously next to pure colour paintings, they hang next to each other and exist in front of each other. While the first room is dominated by the recognisable waterfall paintings in which the light stream stems itself against the heavy boulders, spilling its energetic flood over them, the boisterous and dematerialised colour blaze dazzles in pure abstraction. The previously restrained colour took a life of its own and subordinated the until then dominating style to an instrument. Herbert Brandl has, once again, driven the potential of pure painting to an ecstatic phenomenon, resisting any explicative approach. Galerie nächst St. Stephan 1010 Vienna, Grünangergasse 1/2 Tel: +43 1 512 21 66 Fax: +43 1 513 43 07 Emai: galerie@schwarzwaelder.at http://www.schwarzwaelder.at Opening hours: Mon – Fri 11 – 18 hours, Sat 11 – 16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
1010 Wien, Grünangerg. 1/2
Tel: +43 1 5121266, Fax: +43 1 5134307
Email: galerie@schwarzwaelder.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 12-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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