
270114: Ehemalige BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary - Brüder Schwadron call to mind

Ehemalige BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary Brüder Schwadron call to mind 09.01.2014 – 29.01.2014 Magic of daily life By Iris Meder Sometimes you step outside the door and everything seems galvanized. Those who have seen the exhibition on architectural ceramics by the Schwadron brothers will view all of Vienna as if it were glazed over in the same way. These tiles are a familiar part of our everyday surroundings and yet one now contemplates them more attentively: Olbrich-like curls, ovals, and rues, black, white, russet, emerald green, light blue, honey yellow, with reference to the space disposition in multi-coloured wavy or stripped patterns, lined with ornamental friezes with a clearly visible signature: Schwadron Brothers, Vienna, Franz-Josefs-Kai 3. The exhibition is shown in a space that was designed 1905 by architect Julius Goldschläger and which the Jewish company owned by the Schwadron brothers was forced to sell in 1938, itself one of the most beautiful show pieces of the exhibition. The show was put together in only 4,5 months by the cultural manager Tina Zickler together with the photographer Lisa Rastl . – and encompasses a documentation on Schwadron tiles in Viennese apartment buildings. Numerous “tile scouts” helped the curator by providing essential hints and/or photos. Numerous, to date, unknown facts about the company of the family were researched for the exhibition. But more importantly, it represents an open awareness of valuing that what might be taken for granted by long-standing city dwellers – the top quality of everyday life, which all of this is ultimately about. And it also deals with raising awareness for the high quality of the Viennese apartment residence buildings constructed in the decade prior to World War One – with their well-structured apartments, generous foyers, carefully composed facades and meticulously treated surfaces. And this is the predominant merit of the exhibition subtitled “call to mind” , an exhibition that is well worth seeing. Ehemalige BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary 1010 Wien, Franz Josefs Kai 3 http://www.projekt-schwadron.at Opening hours: Mon–Fri 13 – 21 hours, Sat, Sun 11–18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Ehemalige BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary
1010 Wien, Franz Josefs Kai 3
Öffnungszeiten: Mo–Fr 13–21, Sa, So 11–18 h

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