
270114: Galerie 5020 - Hanakam & Schuller – Fagiano e facciata

Gallery 5020 / Galerie 5020 Hanakam & Schuller – Fagiano e facciata 12.12.2013 – 08.02.2014 Enigmatic network By Johanna Hofleitner Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller call their current exhibition in the Gallery 5020 "Fagiano e facciata" – "Pheasant and Facade". With this title, they also refer to the two corresponding main streams of the multimedia installation whose two architectonic fixtures, which also function as a library, are situated at the end of the gallery: a cube on the left side of the room with an intrinsic plinth for a slide projector, as well as a screen hanging from the ceiling on the right hand side of it. The video facing the room with "Facciata" projected on the screen to the right (which at the same time, also forms the facade of the ensemble), scans in almost statistical sequel the fascist propaganda architecture of the "E 42" in Rome – a city quarter originally erected for the world fair in 1942 (which never took place), and which was finally used as a venue for the Olympic Summer Games in 1960 under the name E.U.R. The likewise highly aesthetic, as well as oppressive, endemic pictures, above all in black-white-grey areas, are superimposed with geometric forms and accentuations in the – for Hanakam & Schuller - typical fluorescent marker colours in pink, yellow, sky blue, neon green, mauve, and move themselves in slabs, squares, oblongs and other forms such as colour filters over arcades, paths, squares, plateaus and such like. A projected slide show on the left of the cube cites these forms as isolated and lets them come in like elements from a kaleidoscope. A completely different film, "Fagiano", is projected directly onto the back wall of the "Facciata", and is averted from the room: this time, the camera is permanently focused on the face of an Italian scholar who is apparently commenting on different, invisible historical paintings by way of the slides. The correlating element of this commentary on the art works, which only exists on the soundtrack, is the continuous mention of a pheasant as a bird, which is apparently present on all these pictures and who, over the course of the art history, becomes a substitute for the peacock. The fluorescent colours projected onto the cube by the slides could also allude to the glorious colours of his (the peacock's) plumage. Hanakam & Schuller's ensemble appears enigmatic and eccentric and cannot easily be straightforwardly deciphered. "Fagiano e facciata" betake themselves well-nigh provocatively on a risky tightrope walk along the fields of beauty, seduction, power and their staging. It's the complexity and precision of the work which, in the final analysis, demands the sharpening up of both perception and conception. Galerie 5020 5010 Salzburg, Residenzplatz 10 Tel: + 43 662 848817 email: office@galerie5020.at http://www.galerie5020.at Opening hours: Tue – Fri 15-19 hours, Sat 11-14 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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5020 Salzburg, Residenzplatz 10
Tel: + 43 662 848817
Email: office@galerie5020.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr 15-19, Sa 11-14 h

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