
091213: Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz: Glam! The Performance of Style Music/Fashion/Art

Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz Glam! The Performance of Style Music/Fashion/Art 19.10.2013 – 02.02.2014 Tamed style-riot By Roland Schöny When Roxy Music took the stage and David Bowie was reincarnated as Ziggy Stardust, Pop was suddenly divided. And more superficial groups such as The Sweet, Slad or T. Rex were part of the permanent staff of “Top of the Pops” on BBC television. With glam rock, an androgynous style-riot started. Stone-washed jeans, long hair and muddy boots were suddenly part of a different time and culture. In exhibitions, glam pop was not really taken seriously as a discursive topic. Curator Darren Pih deals with glam as an emancipated remix-style phenomenon that symbolizes the transformation of social values in the economically devastated England of the 1970s. The breakthrough of aesthetic aspects, the pleasure of using make-up, public cross dressing and lascivious behaviour due to decriminalising homosexuality in Great Britain in 1967, was imposed. As a playing field for the transformation of identity, glam became a central narrative of pop. The exhibition, produced by Tate Liverpool, includes, in addition to the main protagonists such as David Bowie or Brian Eno, Richard Hamilton or Andy Warhol, stylists, fashion designers and filmmakers. They are confronted with Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman or Gilbert & George, Iggy Pop. MC5, Alice Cooper, The New York Dolls or The Tubes, Velvet Underground – all of them are part of the exhibition. One quickly understands that the exhibition not only wants to document the trend, but wants to lead a cultural-scientific discourse. The challenge was to find an according balance: focussing on Pop, but also e.g. giving Billy Sullivan’s photographs equal attention. Seduction, sex, desire, crossing gender roles are of course the main theme. The project also presents early films by Gilbert & George, General Idea, Jack Goldstein or Derek Jarman. But more pop and film in the form of concert recordings or video clips in their simple aesthetics would have done the project good and would have enabled it to come a little closer to showing glam as a mass phenomena and a popular cultural trend. Lentos Museum Linz 4020 Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promendade 1 Tel: +43 70 7070 36 00 email: info@lentos.at http://www.lentos.at Opening hours: Daily except Mon: 10-18 hours, Thu: 10-21 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
4020 Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promendade 1
Tel: +43 70 7070 36 00
Email: info@lentos.at
Öffnungszeiten: täglich außer Mo 10-18 Uhr, Do 10-21 Uhr

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