
111113: Bank Austria Kunstforum : Warhol/Basquiat

Bank Austria Kunstforum Warhol/Basquiat 16.10.2013 – 02.02.2014 The grotesque face of the stove By Nina Schedlmayer The artistic temperaments could hardly be more different: on the one hand, the cool Warhol and on the other, the expressive Basquiat – and both are at least one and a half generations apart . Their cooperation only lasted for two years. It therefore comes as no surprise that the works of the “Collaborations” exhibition at the Kunstforum are supplemented by a series of each artists individual works. Already the first room shows to which extent the two inspired each other. In the “Art & Hammer” painting with two logos, the differing styles of Warhol and Basquiat collide with one another; in contrast, the juxtaposed “Hellmann’s Mayonnaise” almost appears stylistically homogenous. While Warhol had depicted his emblems, newspaper photos, consumer goods, price tags, logos and cartoon figures, and whatever else he was famous for, on silk screen, all of this was now found in the form of a painting due to Basquiat’s influence – in reminiscence of his Street Art. It is a pity that the catalogue was not used to describe the collaborations in more detail, almost all of the texts deal with the artists but not their work. In only one essay does the gallery owner Bruno Bishofsberger, who owns or provided most of the works displayed, offer anecdote-like stories relating to the collaboration between Warhol and Basquiat- with the main focus mainly placed on his own merits. The chance to provide content-relevant details on the “Collaborations” was unfortunately forfeited. Bank Austria Kunstforum 1010 Vienna, Freyung 8 Tel: +43 1 537 33 26 Fax: +43 1 537 33 27 Email: office@bankaustria-kunstforum.at www.bankaustria-kunsforum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Bank Austria Kunstforum
1010 Wien, Freyung 8
Tel: +43 1 537 33 26, Fax:
Email: office@kunstforumwien.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-So 10.00-19.00 h
Fr 10.00 - 21.00 h

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