
160913 : Zacherlfabrik 2013: Elisabeth Altenburg, Carola Dertnig, Roland Kollnitz and Heike Schäfer

Zacherlfabrik Zacherlfabrik 2013: Elisabeth Altenburg, Carola Dertnig, Roland Kollnitz and Heike Schäfer 07.06.2013 – 30.09.2013 Magical venue By Nina Schedlmayer Several centimetres in length, made of white cloth, accumulated in a cloud – this is the way the insects, originally created to advertise their own destruction, hang in the room. Elisabeth Altenburg’s installation in the Zacherlfabrik – an orientalised 19th century building in which pesticides were once produced – point to the former business of the factory, which today is among one of the most beautiful art locations in Vienna. Behind its façade with its delicate mosaics there is a large garden with huge trees; in its midst the hall with its ruinous charm. A venue with a “unique aura and magic”, said Gustav Schörghofer, who curates an exhibition there every year since 2006. The selection of artists is rather heterogeneous. Not only Altenburg, but also Carola Dertnig refers to the history of the venue with her slide show about the wife of the factory owner, Anna Zacherl. The other two positions deal with the room itself: Roland Kollnitz’s installation was created by using materials such as fibreglass and steel and Heike Schäfer’s wooden gangplanks appear almost massive - they lead to hitherto unknown openings and end in front of large mirrors. A common theme does not exist - but that doesn't matter because its more about tracing a location than a conceptual setting. Yet one day this venue will be so thoroughly occupied with art that a new concept will have to be found - otherwise it runs the risk of disenchantment. Zacherlfabrik 1190 Vienna, Nusswaldgasse 14 email: office@zacherlfabrik.at http://www.zacherlfabrik.at Opening hours: Wed – Sat 15 – 19 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1190 Wien, Nußwaldgasse 14
Email: office@zacherlfabrik.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Sa 15 - 19 Uhr

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