
020913 : Museum Tinguely - Zilvinas Kempinas

Museum Tinguely Zilvinas Kempinas 05.06.2013 – 22.09.2013 In motion By Sonja Gasser Squeaking, clattering and metallic sounding beats clearly testify that Jean Tinguely’s (1925 – 1991) large machines are in motion. In the midst, hardly noticeable, two pillars by Zilvinas Kempinas (1969) rise. From within, between fluttering magnetic bands, a blazing light emitted by fluorescent lamps glimmers towards the outside. The works by the Lithuanian artist, who lives in New York, are minimalistic - created by using only a few and simple materials. As if held by a magic hand, magnetic bands float over the floor and are driven by ventilators mounted on the ceiling. Or delicate bands, stretched lamellar across the room, seem to lower the ceiling of the exhibition room and appear to become lighter with increasing distance until they dissolve. The works by the artist, who took part in the Venice Biennale in 2009, convince and surprise with their elegance as well as the ability to fill the room with such little volume. Tinguely’s works, in contrast, have a completely different effect – in comparison he worked rather crudely. The nerd and inventor was not interested in meticulous perfection. He created unusual machines without any apparent use, employing worn out metal pieces from the scrapyard and thereby stirring up art history. Touching or pressing a button is expressively permitted. Set into motion in this way, his constructions fascinate to this day. If Jean Tinguely, the “enfant terrible” of art and his works appear clumsy and heavy, then Zilvinas Kempinas, whose works are dainty and light, is the paragon of aesthetic precision. The reduction in the use of materials also results the predominance of black and white. At times, the site-specific works contrast with the background of their environment, thereby accentuating the color of the wooden floor or the view of the Rhine River. The artist successfully integrated autonomous works into the existing presentation of the Tinguely collection. He thereby sets new accents and offers new views of Tinguely’s works through additional references. There is a connection between the two due to a certain extent of experimental lust as well as the fascination in transforming a work through motion. Nevertheless, both represent an independent position – thereby the connection between a monographic permanent exhibition and the presentation of works by an artist of a later generation - in the form of an exhibition within an exhibition is successful. Museum Tinguely 4002 Basel, Paul Sacher-Anlage 2 Tel: +41 (0)61 681 93 20 Fax: +41 (0)61 681 93 21 email: infos@tinguely.ch http://www.tinguely.ch Opening times: Tue - Sun 11–19 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum Tinguely
4002 Basel, Paul Sacher-Anlage 2
Tel: +41 (0)61 681 93 20, Fax: +41 (0)61 681 93 21
Email: infos@tinguely.ch
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 11–19 h

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