
290713: Galerie im Traklhaus Collected – a glimpse into an artist's studio

Galerie im Traklhaus Collected – a glimpse into an artist's studio 04.07.2013 – 10.08.2013 Equestrian pictures and record covers By Werner Rodlauer Who doesn't know them, the innumerable exhibitions with sonorous names of artists and the subtitle "Masterpieces from the collection ..." – and then follows the name of a more or less famous private collection. Even in the art market, the private art collectors play an ever-greater role in times of economic crisis. Two years ago, ART BASEL even introduced a kind of two-class system for the really big buyers and the "normal" collectors; and in Berlin, the best cared-for buyers guarantee the largest part of a year's turnover for the galleries during the Gallery Weekend. The private collecting of art is publicly thematised and discussed – this year’s VIENNAFAIR The New Contemporary is coming up with a symposium in which collectors present their strategies; as a School of Art Collecting, so to say. But with all these activities, it's surprising how little those - whose works it's ultimately all about - have their say: the artists. They who produce the coveted collectors' pieces should actually know what it pays to collect and which strategies lead to the compilation of a fascinating collection. The Gallery in the Traklhaus takes up the theme and presents works from 18 collections of artists – in part with really surprising results. The selection of the presented works was effected by the artists themselves and shows the themes with which they deal and which colleagues they have worked together with, and also at the same time, naturally, in which context they like to present themselves. So Christian Ludwig Attersee chose Jörg Immendorf and Jean Cocteau, whilst Irene Andessner exclusively chose works by C.O. Paeffgen whom she met in Cologne as a studio neighbour. That Andrew Phelps and Matthias Herrmann exclusively chose photography from their collection admittedly shows the reference to their own work, but it is actually a pity – it would have been interesting to see with what other artistic media they otherwise deal with. The choice of works by Anna Heindl and Manfred Wakolbinger are surprising, showing exclusively art works with equestrian motifs from their joint collection – a reverence to riding as a hobby that they incidentally share with artists such as Jenny Holzer and Bruce Nauman. The initial picture of the equestrian collection was also a choice in the represented photographic works of Hans Weigand. Franz Graf proves his passion for music with vinyl works, amongst others, by Franz Pomassl, Otto Mühl and Marcel Duchamp. Even if some artists have decided to integrate their own work into the presentation, the focus still remains on the works that they themselves consider as important and worth collecting. The densely hung individual collection blocks are pleasantly non-didactic and yet one can learn a lot about collecting art in this exhibition. Above all, that it's not the concept or the correct strategy which makes a collection interesting but the concentration on the individual work and the individual power of judgement. Galerie im Traklhaus 5020 Salzburg, Waagplatz 1a Tel: +43 662 8042-2149 Fax: +43 662 8042-3078 E-mail: traklhaus@salzburg.gv.at http://www.salzburg.gv.at/traklhaus Opening hours: Tue-Fri 14.00 to 18.00 hours, Sat 10.00 to 13.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunst im Traklhaus
5020 Salzburg, Waagplatz 1a
Tel: +43 662 8042-2149, Fax: +43 662 8042-3078
Email: traklhaus@salzburg.gv.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr. 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr, Sa 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr

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