
010713: Galerie Ulysses - Martha Jungwirth

Galerie Ulysses Martha Jungwirth 05.06.2013 – 20.07.2013 Behind earthy sediments By Nina Schedlmayer Which status would Martha Jungwirth have today if she were a male? Would it be comparable to that of Prachensky, Kocherscheidt or Anzinger? The fact that one still has to question this in the 21st century is once again proof of how female artists – to this very day – are neglected. The Gallery Ulysses is currently showing Jungwirth’s work - luckily one must say. Jungwirth is capable of extracting such depth from gestural-abstract art, which at the same time appears unbelievably light. In her series of large format aquarelles (Spitellauer Lände, 1993), sweeping lines condense to thickets, bundles of red and black colour develop, the back and forth of lines generates a confusing dynamic, objects develop diffusely. More compact are her works in the recently completed series “Am Wienfluss” as well as in her untitled paintings, in which block-like red figures are surrounded by hand prints, rivulets, splashes, and drops, and in which the colour red and purple shimmers through from behind earthy sediments, and geometric shapes literally appear to be leaking out. Like every really good gestural abstraction her work has depth as well as breadth. No wonder that Martha Jungwirth was granted such a prominent place in the exhibition “Schönes Klosterneuburg” curated by Albert Oehlen in the Essl Museum – maybe she clandestinely has the status of an artist’s artist , yet nobody knows. But now it’s time that professional curators discover her oeuvre and publish it accordingly. Galerie Ulysses 1010 Vienna, Opernring 21 Tel: +43 1 587 12 26 Tel: + 43 1 587 21 99 Email: Ulysses@galerie-ulysses.at http://www.kunstnet.at/ulysses Opening hours: Tue – Fri 10 – 18 hours, Sat 10 – 13 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Ulysses
1010 Wien, Opernring 21
Tel: +43 (0)1 / 587 12 26, Fax: +43 (0)1 / 587 21 99
Email: ulysses@galerie-ulysses.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 10-18, Sa 11-14

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