
030613: Galerie Andreas Huber - Rudolf Polanzky

Galerie Andreas Huber Rudolf Polanzky 17.05.2013 – 22.06.2013 Illusionary symbiosis By Margareta Sandhofer Crumpled cardboard, painted and impaled on wobbly pikes. That which, at first glance, looks like a successful chunk by Franz West, is something completely different, it shows itself much more like one of the multiple sources of inspiration which were the basis for his socially-oriented art cosmos and art term. (1) Rudolf Polanszky's works and work titles are elaborate, originating from a many-layered, complex thought structure. The "Hypertransform Sculpture" conceals its content, its essence in convolutions. Its outward confusion has been violently opened, the former ball-shaped figure sawn through. The gaping centre is visible in the distorted mirror image in order to merge itself with its apparent opposite into a coveted symmetrical whole. The symbiosis is illusionary. Depending on the perspective, the recognisability of the visible alternates, cognition is relativized. The sculpture is a thought experiment, extremely fragile and threatens to break apart or fall in on itself at any moment. It marks a momentary situation in a permanently changing condition. It's a momentary detail cut out of a "hyperbolic space" which, as a multi-dimensional spiritual space evolves continually, thereby retracting a permanent validity in pictorial equivalence. For Rudolf Polanszky, this has real character as an ideal concept and is of superior, existential importance for his understanding of art and the world. In this respect, each of his manifest expressions in the form of an art work is a very personal level of peregrination, a plastic definition of a momentarily subjective manifestation, precise in its imprecision. The sculpture appears as an entity, as an ambiguous reflection in its relativity which is concrete in the succinct matter and precisely embodied as the highest authenticity. -- (1) Rudolf Polanszky and Franz West met at the beginning of the 70's. Friendship and occasional teamwork followed. West also temporarily used Polanszky's studio. Galerie Andreas Huber 1040 Vienna, Schleifmuehlgasse 6-8 Tel: +43-1-586 02 37 Fax: +43-1-586 02 37 E-mail: art@galerieandreashuber.at http://www.galerieandreashuber.at Opening times: Tue-Fri 11-18 hours, Sat 11-15 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Andreas Huber
1040 Wien, Schleifmühlgasse 6-8
Tel: +43-1-586 02 37, Fax: +43-1-586 02 37
Email: art@galerieandreashuber.at
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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