
210513: Museum Lianunig - From the plane to room

Museum Lianunig From the plane to room 01.05.2013 – 31.10.2013 Dialogues at eye level By Margareta Sandhofer Again, the visit to Herbert Liaunig’s private museum is an uplifting experience. Herbert and his son Peter have yet again realized a successful exhibition with the works from their steadily growing collection. The focus of this year’s exhibition is on sculpture and architecture, of course accompanied by paintings, of which quite a few museum directors could be envious. One of Maria Lassnig’s early works strikes one’s eye as does the generous horizontal format by George Matthieu. This year’s exhibition is divided into three parts. The long-stretched main room of the museum is devoted to recent contemporary sculpture as well as works by Fritz Wotruba, Josef Pillhofer or Joannis Avramidis. Liaunig mainly concentrates on Austrian art – and is in direct contact with the artists. At the entrance he confronts the visitors with a large dimensioned, peculiar ceramic work by Elmar Trenkwalder, whose bizarre, Asian and Baroque elements are piled atop each other to a surreal theatrical composition (VWZ 250). The individual qualities of the art works are marked by significant juxtapositions and develop a discursive net in a figurative form. Trenkwalder’s multi-pieced formation is set in contrast to the clear reduction of a monumental piece of art by Roland Goeschl. Julie Hayward’s subjectivist sculpture, whose sensitivity rouses the emotions, intensifies the stringent coolness of Wolfang Ernst’s work. Manfred Walkolbinger’s Traveller appears to want to enter into Manfred Erjaut’s “witty ”Container, whose spatial depth is completely covered with logo-stickers, thereby lacking content. In turn, the outer skin provides an outstanding background for Erwin Wurm’s “Liegende” (Reclining Figure). Markus Wilfling’s Spiegelkabinet (Mirror Cabinet) defines the problematic interface between architecture and sculpture more decisively in a multifaceted ambivalence of permeability and permissibility. The topic of the not always clearly divisible disciplines becomes apparent in the transverse section of the museum, where it is displayed in the form of drawings, graphics and models. Sketches for already realized buildings, fantastic aquarelles, airy drawings, visionary utopias, amusing collages and object-like constructions amalgamate to a diversified tour in an abundant open system, conceptualized according to aesthetic criteria. Amongst these is also the model for the planned structural extension of the Liaunig Museum. The promising future extension lets one bear the closing of the collection next year due to the construction work. Museum Liaunig 9155 Neuhaus/Suha, Neuhaus 41 Tel: +43 (0) 4356211 15 Email: office@mueseumlianunig. At Httö://www.museumliaunig.at Opening hours: Wed – Sat by arrangement
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Museum Liaunig
9155 Neuhaus/Suha, Neuhaus 41
Tel: +43 (0)4356 211 15
Email: office@museumliaunig.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 10-18 h

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