
210513: Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz 10 years of Lentos. A jubilee exhibition for the collection 22.03.2013 – 09.06.2013

Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz 10 years of Lentos. A jubilee exhibition for the collection 22.03.2013 – 09.06.2013 10 years and still curious By Hannah Winkelbauer The jubilee exhibition in the Art Museum Linz delights and appeals to those not so close to art, as well as to those familiar with art, with its many "exhibitions within the exhibition". Under the title "Of birds and rats", the visitor enters a room created by Maria Bussmann which is a world of art works and non-artistic objects accentuated by the soft twittering of birds. In the plethora of pieces, one finds bird studies by Klemens Brosch, as well as traditional masks from the Congo or a large-format photographs by Lois Renner. The Berlin art duo, EVA & ADELE, chose works for the room curated by them which is all about couples. Their own series "Family Portrait" (1992), 25 photographs in which EVA & ADELE are seen in pale pink costumes with wings, holding a globe, in different locations with befriended artists and collectors, as well as works by Paul Kranzler, Maria Lassnig or Egon Schiele, can be seen here. Much more minimalistic is the room created by Nasan Tur, in which Tur's photo series of cell doors in the Dresden GDR detention centre ("Bautzner Straße", 2009) are presented. Thousands of political prisoners were incarcerated in the GDR detention centre. Very direct and easy to understand is the antithesis which the artist stresses when he juxtaposes landscapes by, amongst others, Caspar David Friedrich and Emil Jacob Schindler with the “cell”. Breadth, openness and emptiness versus locked in. Simplicity is a concept which, in the best sense of the word, goes right through the exhibition. Contemporary and classical modern works which – often thematically organized – facilitate easy access to art. Apart from the areas curated by artists with works from the collection, there are separate rooms dedicated to special themes. Director Stella Rollig wants to convey "art as a medium which helps people to find themselves." The person should stand in the centre and not unapproachable art works which can only be understood by those with a knowledge of art history. It's director Rollig's goal that the visitor "comes to grips with the art themselves and wants to discover it." Lentos Art Museum Linz 4020 Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promendade 1 Tel: +43 70 7070 36 00 E-mail: info@lentos.at http://www.lentos.at Opening times: Daily, except Mon, 10-18 hours, Thurs 10-21 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
4020 Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promendade 1
Tel: +43 70 7070 36 00
Email: info@lentos.at
Öffnungszeiten: täglich außer Mo 10-18 Uhr, Do 10-21 Uhr

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