
060513: Mumok Mueum moderner Kunst Verena Dengler – Fantastic Socialism

mumok Mueum moderner Kunst Verena Dengler – Fantastic Socialism 23.02.2013 – 12.06.2013 Less punch lines, more art By Wolfgang Pichler They are very location-specific, these Vienna-typical punch lines and quotes that form a recurring theme throughout the entire exhibition - and that’s why the title spontaneously brings the expression “Red Vienna” to mind, which seems to have existed for the past 260 years. Unfortunately this general reference to Vienna is the only connecting element of the otherwise rather discordant and uninspired exhibition. Even if some of the works, such as the painting on the floor which functions as a carpet, are examples of accomplished independent work, they do not hide the fact that the artist was overwhelmed by the size of the rooms. A reduction to just a few objects and paintings, such as the canvas titled “Senegalblueblackredgreen”, which is faintly reminiscent of Twombly, would be just as desirable as omitting some of the punch lines. Nevertheless she is a very talented artist – something that becomes evident in her sketches and small pictures, which were apparently mounted at random on almost ingeniously ugly moveable walls. The title “Fantastic Socialism” already insinuates that this show aims to be more than a presentation of artistic objects - and it is exactly this claim that she fails to meet. mumok Museum moderner Kunst 1070 Vienna, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1 Tel: +43 1 52 500 Fax: +43 1 52 500 13 00 email: info@mumok.at http://www.mumok.at Opening hours: Daily: 10.00–18.00 hours, Do: 10.00–21.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien
1070 Wien, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 52 500, Fax: +43 1 52 500 13 00
Email: info@mumok.at
Öffnungszeiten: Täglich: 10.00–18.00 Uhr, Do: 10.00–21.00 Uhr

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