
060513: Moeller Fine Art Lyonel Feininger: Drawn from Nature, Carved in Wood / T. Lux Feininger: Sixty Years of Painting

Moeller Fine Art Lyonel Feininger: Drawn from Nature, Carved in Wood / T. Lux Feininger: Sixty Years of Painting 27.04.2013 – 13.07.2013 If the father and the son By Stefan Kobel Lyonel Feiniger was supposedly a loving and humorous father. He is regarded as one of the inventors of comic strips, for his impromptu drawings, and his designs and constructions of toy trains. Several of his creations, mainly his early work, are now displayed at Achim Moeller Fine Art in Berlin. Including the meticulous preliminary drawings for wooden toys. The artist - who jokingly signed some of his paintings as “Leinoel Einfinger” (linseed oil one-finger) also taught at the Bauhaus and was among the most renowned 20th century artists. He set very high standards for his sons - one of them (Laurence) became a musicologist and the other (Andreas) a photographer and, as such, pioneered as a photography teacher. Merely the youngest, Theodore Lux, born 1910, followed in his father’s footsteps. And, as the show demonstrates, they turned out to be a bit too large for him. One dozen oil paintings document the artist’s development, with a huge gap in the 50’s and 60’s. It all starts with seascapes and sailboats with a marked likeness to comic strips and yet at the same time attempting to show a certain amount of realism – but they are miles away from his father’s ingenuity, who was capable of creating bold windjammers and entire ports with just a few pencil strokes. Theodore Lux’s (T. Lux) efforts to disassociate himself from his father are obvious. But his father’s oeuvre is too overpowering and prevents him from developing his own convincing visual language. Later T. Lux shifted his attention to Cubism, Surrealism and Dadaism, which mainly influenced the work he created in the 70’s and 80’s and which is now exhibited in Berlin. All of this is absolutely worthy of respect and partly has its charm. But it doesn’t suffice to make an innovative contribution to art history. Moeller Fine Art 10963 Berlin, Tempelhofer Ufer 11 Tel: +49 30 252 940 83 Fax: +49 30 252 940 84 http://www.moellerfineart.com Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 11 am - 6 pm and by appointment
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Moeller Fine Art
10963 Berlin, Tempelhofer Ufer 11
Tel: +49 30 252 940 83, Fax: +49 30 252 940 84
Email: mail@moellerfineart.com
Öffnungszeiten: Monday - Friday, 11 am - 6 pm
and by appointment

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