
080413: Freiraum / quartier21: Dive and Run

Freiraum / quartier21 Dive and Run 07.03.2013 – 24.04.2013 Contemplate and pause By Stanislaus Medan The current exhibition in the Quartier21 “Dive and Run” deals with the essential topic of slowing down and pausing in a society that is becoming faster and faster in many different ways. The title of the exhibition is not to be understood as a series of athletic activities but much more as an imperative – as if one actually tries to run under water. Artists, mainly German, were invited to present their work which focused on the topic of contemplation, but only one of their pieces was explicitly created for the exhibition “Dive and Run”. Therefore, the contextual link to the topic has to be artificially created, which gives the entire exhibition an artificial character. And this has a negative affect on the, in general, exciting positions, e.g. Robert Jacobsen’s drum sculpture or Ingerborg Lüschers video. However, there are some highlights that make “Dive and Run” worth seeing, but one is well advised not to view its thematic space in a narrow context. Thereby contemplation attains its actual importance. Freiraum / quartier21 1070 Vienna Museumsplatz 1 http://www.quartier21.at Opening hours: Tue - Sun 13.00 – 19.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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MQ Freiraum
1070 Wien, Museumsplatz 1
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18 h

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