
080413: Alte Pinakothek: Brueghel. Paintings by Jan Breughel the Elder

Alte Pinakothek Brueghel. Paintings by Jan Breughel the Elder 22.03.2013 – 16.06.2013 With the finest stroke of a brush By Matthias Kampmann Jan Breughel the Elder's paintings provide ample evidence that one can create great liveliness within the confines of a small space. His “Large Fish Market” (1603) is one of numerous examples. A wonderful exhibition in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich offers the opportunity to discover the microcosms in his paintings. The cliché that Pieter Brueghel the Elder, his father, was the real star of this Antwerp painters’ dynasty was invalidated. The exhibition clearly shows that Jan, who lived from 1568 to 1625, administrated the heritage in a more innovative manner than his older brother Pieter, who primarily copied his father’s works. The exhibition presents 130 works and graphics. Alone 47 paintings by Jan Brueghel the Elder originate from the Bayrische Staatsgemäldesammlungen. According to director Klaus Schrenk this is the world’s largest collection. Among the 60 pieces in the Pinakothek are paintings from the Louvre, the Uffici and from the Prado. The aim was also to publish newest research findings. Ten works were restored specifically for this exhibition. The adventurous journey into the smallest part of the figure-world did not start before Jan returned from his travels to Italy in 1596. Only then does Jan’s detachment from his father become apparent. At that time, the old masters in Antwerpen often worked as a team. And the city was one of the largest art centers in Europe. Rubens and Brueghel's “Madonna in Floral Wreath” shows that both painters were stars of their time, yet each with a completely different style: their teamwork was successful because Brueghel worked on the richly detailed wreath of flowers while Rubens took care of the figures. The artist is versatile. His ink drawings are almost naturalistic. He includes architectural clichés into his landscapes e.g. when suddenly the St. Peters Cathedral shows up in the “Large Fish Market”. Small wonder that in 1613 he was bestowed the privileges of a court painter. And his work was also highly esteemed in Italy. Finally, through this exhibition, his work no longer stands in his father’s shadow: it bears testimony to an autonomy never seen before. Alte Pinakothek 80333 Munich, Barer Straße 27 Tel: +49 (0)89 23805 216 email: presse@pinakothek.de http://www.pinakothek.de/alte-pinakothek/ Opening hours: Tue from 10 to 20 hours, Wed – Sun from 10 to 18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Alte Pinakothek
80333 München, Barer Straße 27
Tel: +49 (0)89 23805 216
Email: presse@pinakothek.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di. von 10 bis 20 Uhr, Mi. bis So. von 10 bis 18 Uhr. Mo. geschlossen

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