
250213: 21er Haus Photos – Austrian photography from the 1930s until today

21er Haus Photos – Austrian photography from the 1930s until today 30.01.2013 – 05.05.2013 Loose concept, successful exhibition Portraits next to still lifes next to abstract works, history next to present-day, concept next to documentation next to experiment, analogue next to digital, black-and-white next to colour. The curators Severin Dünser and Axel Köhne generated an exhibition that doesn’t attempt to offer a chronologic overview spanning Austria’s photography over the past 80 years nor does it stringently cling to specific topics or genres. And that is a good thing. The exhibition display by Clegg & Guttmann manages to tame the random distribution of the works and allow the leitmotifs man, objects and media to take shape. Grandiose: Gottfried Bechtold’s portrait-in- portrait-in-portrait titled “Georg 1972, 1974, 1978”. Remarkable also Robert F. Hammerstiel’s colourful large-format depicting a still life of plastic fruits: here the photo becomes a copy of reality, which one no longer trusts due to its artificiality – an aspect that has a radical form in Dieter Huber’s digital world of plants. Works by Norbert Becawar, Michael Schuster and Werner Kaligowski are also worth mentioning. Inge Dick and Günther & Loredane Selichar focus on light as the primal substance of photography. With his photograms, Michael Part, a representative of the younger generation, refers back to the technical beginnings of photography. Works by Part have been incorporated in the Belvedere collection, as have those by Kati Höfer, Nadim Vardag and Barbara Kapusta. This generation of artists, all born in the 1980s, lets us imagine how multifaceted the potential in collecting Austrian photo art in the 21st century is. 21er Haus 1030 Vienna, Schweizergarten/Arsenal Strasse 1 Tel: +43 1 795 57 0 Email: info@belvedere.at http://www.21erhaus.at/ Opening hours: Wed – Sun 10.00 – 18.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Belvedere 21
1030 Wien, Schweizergarten/Arsenal-Straße 1
Tel: +43 1 795 57-0
Email: info@belvedere.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 10-18 h, Mi, Fr bis 21 h

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