
250213: Neue Galerie Graz: Maria Lassnig – The location of pictures

Neue Galerie Graz: Maria Lassnig – The location of pictures 17.11.2012 – 28.04.2013 The alert gut By Nora Theiss Where are the pictures and how are they expressed? Two questions that paraphrase Maria Lassnig’s oeuvre. In any case, two leading questions that the current exhibition in the Neue Galerie Graz focuses on concerning Maria Lassnig’s works. This compact and intelligently arranged show, assembled with a lot of feeling, contradicts those who believe that – in the post Peter-Weibel-era - there are no longer any extraordinary exhibitions in Graz worth mentioning. Newest findings and movements in art science form the framework with which the aspects of seeing and perceiving art are freshly evaluated and analysed. The scientific theses by W.T.H. Mitchell or Hans Belting can be applied perfectly to Maria Lassnig’s oeuvre. However, Lassnig’s works speak for themselves and are able to withstand all criticism – especially in this exhibition. At the beginning is a self-portrait dating from 1945 that contains everything which constitutes Maria Lassnig’s oeuvre: the conflict with her own image and the colourfulness; the turbulent appliance of colour is still in the style of that of her teacher, Herbert Boeckl, but it is clear which questions Lassnig is dealing with. The term “body feeling” repeatedly emerges – not to express feeling from the gut, where it comes from, but from the head. And when Lassnig - in order to understand the body feeling in the best possible way - lies down to paint, is close to Actionism – even if she is not part of this movement. The majority of the works shown at this exhibition have never been presented before, because Lassnig confined them to her studio. Lassnig deals with her main topics so consequently and has, to this day, lost none of her alertness. Chronology is not important because her tireless attempt to locate her pictures will never lose their relevance. But it is remarkable how intensive the colour of her most recent works is! Neue Galerie Graz 8010 Graz, Joanneumsviertel Tel: +43 316 8017-0 email: joanneumsviertel@museum-joanneum.at http://www.neuegalerie.at Opening hours: Tue – Sun 10.00 – 18.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Neue Galerie Graz
8010 Graz, Joanneumsviertel
Tel: +43 316 8017-9100
Email: joanneumsviertel@museum-joanneum.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-17 h

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