
110213: Kunstmuseum Stuttgart- Andreas Magdanz – Stuttgart Stammheim

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart- Andreas Magdanz – Stuttgart Stammheim 17.11.2012 – 24.03.2013 Monograph of a place of remembrance By Daniela Gregori At the opening ceremony, the governmental Chief Construction Director praised the wonderful perspective of freedom, and the yellow press smirked over the "Prison with Roof Terrace", "Hotel for Gangsters and Hoodlums". The comfort and humaneness behind bars was praised when the penal institution in Stuttgart was opened in 1963 and deemed the most modern of its kind at that time. Eleven years later, under strict security measures, a helicopter landed in the grounds and two women in handcuffs were brought to the courtyard of the institution under the eyes of the media. The enforcement officer, who greeted the first of the two women with, "Good morning, Mrs. Meinhof", got a vigorous kick in the stomach. "Kafka will be well beaten by Stammheim,” wrote the former RAF member, Peter-Jürgen Boock, who sat in the penal institution as of 1983. The term Stammheim had embedded itself in the heads of the Germans; the topography had become the topic. Today, Stammheim stands for the "brick era", the German autumn, the battle between the RAF and the Federal Republic of Germany, but Stammheim itself as a building won't stand for much longer. The prison where in Ulrike Meinhof, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe killed themselves is due to be demolished in the very near future. Following "Duty Station Mariental", "Auschwitz-Birkenau", and "Federal Intelligence Service – Location Pullach", Andreas Magdanz has again taken on photographically one of the locations of German history and documented it completely free from emotions or dramatic presentation, but on the other hand, truly fastidiously and impressively. For five months, the artist moved into one of the dismal buildings in front of the prison walls where the enforcement officers had lived, was able to photograph the building complex from the air, got permission to shoot photos in the institution evening after evening. Step by step, Magdanz advanced through the corridors and courtyards, through the rooms of everyday prison life, and after weeks, to logically arrive at cell No. 719 on the seventh floor of the historic location in which Meinhof, as well as Baader, died. The photographs are completely unspectacular but they manage to convey what the artist felt in the rooms. Above all, the brick era in the rooms seems to manifest itself in the black-and-white shots Part of the works are currently presented in the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, but in the hermetic seclusion of a publication, the gradual approach and documentation of the location, together with the floor plans and texts which, from the historic happenings, gradually zoom into a concrete work by Magdanz, is almost better. Publication Andreas Magdanz Stammheim Editors Andreas Magdanz, Ulrike Groos, Text by Andreas Magdanz et al. Designed by Andreas Magdanz Hatje Cantz Verlag German/English 2012. 230 Pages, 98 black-and-white pictures. 30,80 x 25,80 cm, bound ISBN 978-3-7757-3457-8 Kunstmuseum Stuttgart 70173 Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 1 Tel: +49 (0) 711 - 216 21 88 Fax: +49 (0) 711 - 216 78 20 email: info@kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de http://www.kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de Opening hours: Tue, Thu, until Sun 10.00-18.00, Wed. and Fri: 10.00-21.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
70173 Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 1
Tel: +49 (0) 711 – 216 21 88, Fax: +49 (0) 711 – 216 78 20
Email: info@kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18, Fr 10-21 h

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