
280113: Galerie Martin Janda: Adriana Czernin – Investigation of the Inside

Galerie Martin Janda Adriana Czernin – Investigation of the Inside 16.01.2013 – 23.02.2013 Get out of the cocoon by Susanne Rohringer Martin Janda's exhibition year 2013 begins with a new work group of the Austro-Bulgarian artist, Adriana Czernin. Czernin, whose work was last shown here in 2009, is, above all, known for her ornamentally and florally overgrown female bodies, which she portrays lasciviously in extensive scenery composed of pencil strokes. The works shown now, date from the years between 2009 and 2012 and bring disturbing moments into the apparently so smooth pencil world. As in the earlier pictures, uncanny aspects are present in Czernin's works. Earlier on, the women who appeared caught in the overgrowing ornaments were just about to break out of the cocoon. In the newer works, the discomfiture is increased. Now one is confronted with faces blackened by graphite and ink in front of an ornamental background. The figures of those portrayed are undergoing a sort of effacement. In "Self Portrait", cascades of colour overrun the place of the head, a sort of fur-head is formed which casts a "graphite shadow". Czernin called this series "Investigation of the Inside" and indeed, according to the artist, it's about the visualisation of the mental condition. In the more recent pictures, Czernin distances herself from the ornamental picture world. This becomes particularly clear in the coloured pictures "Portrait Yellow", "Portrait Purple", "Portrait Red", where a rotation disc, a sort of cut-off wheel, interlaces itself with the colours yellow, red and purple. All in all, Adriana Czernin's exhibition in the Martin Janda Gallery is a refreshing experience, above all because the artist shows further development in her work which, as an observer, one enjoys following. Her art has become increasingly meaningful without losing any of its previous elegance. Galerie Martin Janda 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11 Tel: +43 1 585 73 71 Fax: +43 1 585 73 72 email: galerie@martinjanda.at http://www.martinjanda.at Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 -18:00 hours, Sat 11:00 -16:00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Martin Janda
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 11
Tel: +43 1 585 73 71, Fax: +43 1 585 73 72
Email: galerie@martinjanda.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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