
051112: < rotor > - Absolute Democracy

Absolute Democracy 29.09.2012 – 21.12.2012 Broad field – clear structure By Nora Theiss Politics in art and how far this functions as a changing influence, is debated in this year's “Steirischer Herbst” (Styrian Autumn). The exhibition "Absolute Democracy", curated by Oliver Ressler and Carlos Motta, is a further example of just how broad this field is and how many differing rudiments it presents. With regard to concepts by Toni Negri and Michael Hardt, which no opponent of capitalism gets past, the rudiments of the displayed works vary. Nicoline van Harskamp designed a room with an intelligent video- and audio installation in which she deals with the thematic of anarchy. The archive of the letters of the Dutch anarchist, Karl Max Kreuger, is the starting point for a collection of copied notes and quotes from the letters that one cannot borrow from the archive, as well as with staged meetings of Kruger's correspondence partners from all over the world. On the other hand, the moment of the genesis of a constitution serves Mariam Ghani as the starting point for an extensive concept which consists of a three-piece video installation about the constituent collection in a tent complex in Kabul. The development of a constitution in a country where clan rights take the highest priority, and the architecture of a location, are linked concretely to one another here. Already outside the exhibition, the visitor is greeted by the massive wall pictures of the collective work of Nikolay Oleynikov, who, with a group, within six days had not only scoured libraries but had practised sport units and kick boxing besides lectures, discussions, and reading circles. Oleynikov's comment about violent opposition in politics and capitalism shows that the radical is also latently present. Oliver Ressler, who has dealt with alternatives to the prevailing system again and again for a long time, and who describes himself as a catalyser that brings alternative projects into the public eye, impresses also in this exhibition with the selection of artists and their work as stringent thinker and artist who has a clear objective and who can also convey this with aesthetic aspiration. 8020 Graz, Volksgartenstrasse 6a Tel: 0043 /316/688306 Fax: 0043 /316/688306 Email: rotor@mur.at http;//rotor.mur.at Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 10.00 – 18.00 hours, Sat 12.00 – 16.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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< rotor > Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst
8020 Graz, Volksgartenstraße 6a
Tel: 0043 / 316 / 688306, Fax: 0043 / 316 / 688306
Email: rotor@mur.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 10-18 Uhr, Sa 12-16 Uhr

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