
160712: Georg Kargl Fine Arts Martin Damman – Blind Spot

Georg Kargl Fine Arts Martin Damman – Blind Spot 29.06.12 – 8.09.12 Counterpoint, no catharsis by Gesche Heumann In general, large format aquarelles are usually shown in Martin Dammann's exhibitions, but in the case of the titled "Blind Spot", it refers to an outstanding, short video in the rearmost room that creates an about-face in the exhibition's path. The film shows a bedroom into which a nice, older man enters, turns back the duvet carefully, pulls his trousers up over his knees to avoid bulges in the material and seats himself on the edge of the bed opposite the camera with a co-operative, friendly look on his face. One hears a man's voice enquiring whether the man (addressed as "Papa") can, as a matter of fact, remember why Philipp cried so often in bygone times – and "Papa" says in a friendly, but final, manner "no", gets up and goes out of the room (without smoothing the duvet). The whole thing takes 40 seconds and makes the violence, the insistence of the authority appear to have been correct - forgetting the dubious in a precise-laconic manner. After this, the pictures seem different. The charm of the family album, which has evoked the previous scenes, vanishes. He who wants to have it really psycho, starts to pursue all the blind spots in the expressively depicted puddles of the water colours and sees himself confronted with anamorphosis and blurring (for example, "Slope" – how many persons lie buried in the slope?) which can give him the creeps. The sequence of five "Little dances" – pictures in which a male adult is practicing ballroom dancing with a child in a room – emerges as a cataclysm of the childish body through that of the adult's. The apparently somewhat cramped composition, "Jammertal ", in which the leading member of a group of hikers appears to have been pushed into a tree trunk on the left edge of the painting suddenly takes on a coercive character. A self-satisfied couple in the background dominates the picture – Dammann paints the figures with strident strokes in the light, while the two figures at the front wander towards the shadow. Highlighted in trenchant pink, the path drifts from a lightly sloping horizon into an overexposed, psychedelic atmosphere. Martin Dammann sketches out his motifs with pencil. Based on the primary colours of the spectrum, the targeted contrast and shadow settings, the movement of the bodies, the way the folds of clothing fall and even the character of the spontaneously photographed model, appear confident and almost unconcerned. The change from sharp to blurred, the tension in the room through light and shade and the physical plasticity of the figures by means of the pools of colour are masterful. Apparently no family cohesion can occur without a blind spot: something one can concentrate on excellently in front of Dammann's pictures. Georg Kargl Fine Arts 1040 Vienna, Schleifmühlgasse 5 Tel: 01/585 41 99 Fax: 01/585 41 99-9 E-mail: office@georgkargl.com http://www.georgkargl.com Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11-19, Sat 11-16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Georg Kargl
1040 Wien, Schleifmühlgasse 5
Tel: +43 1 585 41 99, Fax: +43 1 /585 41 99-9
Email: office@georgkargl.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 13-19
Sa 11-16h sowie nach Vereinbarung

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