
1801612: WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse der BAWAG P.S.K. A Clear Vision - Jena Glas, Bauhaus and the Kitchen as a Laboratory

WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse der BAWAG P.S.K. A Clear Vision - Jena Glas, Bauhaus and the Kitchen as a Laboratory 15.05.2012 – 18.08.2012 Glas Luck By Iris Meder The material was predestinated for the Bauhaus style: transparent, easily malleable, low-priced – and heat-resistant. Walter Gropius' initiative to bring designers such as Gerhard Marcks and Wilhelm Wagenfeld together with the progressive entrepreneur Erich Schott resulted in a productive entity of art, handicraft and industry for the benefit of consumers. Consumers could now place the aesthetic glass pot in which they prepared food directly on the dining room table. Bauhaus-member László Moholy-Nagy’s advertising campaign and his photographs of Jena Glas are testimonials of a life-long fascination of dematerialization, reflection and transparency. It was hard to believe that behind the seemingly weightless everyday life objects of the thirties - the glass coffee-maker and Wagenfeld’s stereometric tea-pot, Hitler was already lurking: the "fireproof serving form" was depicted against the backdrop of the Berlin Olympic stadium in a brochure published in 1936. Moholy-Nagy emigrated to the USA, and at the end of the war there was an exodus of the glass industry to the West. Heinrich Löffelhardt and the industrial photographer Albert Regner-Patzsch worked together with Wagenfeld at the new Schott-venue in Mainz. But Jena was able to win one of the best designers in the GDR: Ilse Decho. The collection of Jena Glass household items, complemented by advertising graphics and film material, fits perfectly into the glass counter hall of the PSK. What a pity that the production was discontinued in 2005. WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse der BAWAG P.S.K. 1018 Vienna, Georg-Coch-PLatz 2 http://www.ottowagner.com Opening hours: Mo-Mi, Fr 8-15, Do 8-17:30, Sa 10-17 Uhr
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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WAGNER:WERK Museum Postsparkasse der BAWAG P.S.K.
1018 Wien, Georg-Coch-PLatz 2
Email: m.pasterk@signa.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Mi, Fr 8-15, Do 8-17:30, Sa 10-17 Uhr

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