
180612: Galerie Lisi Hämmerle Djinn in a Bottle – Materialization and Mediality

Galerie Lisi Hämmerle Djinn in a Bottle – Materialization and Mediality 16.05.12 – 30.06.12 Technologically up to date By Wolfgang Ölz “Djinn in a bottle – Materialization and Mediality” is the title of the new exhibition in the Gallery Lisi Hämmerle in Bregenz. The show is a project by the faculty of the Department of Digital Art at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna and includes 16 positions representing the outcome of “Rapid Prototyping”. “Rapid Prototyping” is the 3D print of digital models made of plaster, plastic or metal. In “Moment_02” Tommy Schneider focused on different time levels. It took him 13 minutes to take a 360-degree shot of grated horseradish; the computer processed image was then used to print the work with a 3D printer within 95 hours in ABS. ABS is an artificial material and goes by the full name of Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer. The process of taking a computerized shot of an object that will be printed in 3D is the basis of the entire exhibition. Not only artists were invited to the exhibition: curators and theoreticians including Romana Schuler or Roland Schöny (together with the artist Hand Newidal) also worked on their hybrid artefacts. Other artists involved were Wolfgang Fiel and Sophie-Carolin Wagner, Margarete Jahrmann, Nicolaj Kirisits, Peter Kogler, Bernd Kräftner with Ashley Holwell, Martin Kusch, Jan Lauth, Lydia Lindner, Max Moswitzer, Niki Passath, Tommy Schneider, Ruth Schnell, Veronika Schnell, Franz Schubert, and Stefanie Wuschitz. Ruth Schnell, head of the Department of Digital Art, initiated the research project. 3D print technology was introduced in the same way in which videos were introduced to art in the 60’s and 70’s. Art presents itself as technologically up-to-date, while the downsides of progress are not factored out, but – on the contrary – represent a major theme. Galerie Lisi Hämmerle 6900 Bregenz, Anton-Schneider-Strasse 4a/I Tel.:+43 5574 47 319 Fax.: +43 5574 47 319 Email: galerielisihaemmerle@tele2.at http://www.galerie-lisihaemerle.at Opening hours: Wed – Sun: 14 – 18 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
6900 Bregenz, Anton-Schneider Straße 4a/I
Tel: +43 5574 47 319, Fax: +43 5574 47 319
Email: galerielisihaemmerle@drei.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 15-19, Sa 11-14 h

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