
040612: Galerie Steinek - Tony Oursler

Galerie Steinek Tony Oursler - Cumuliform 11.05.2012 – 21.06.2012 Before the day comes By Susanne Rohringer While the Aarhus Art Museum (ARoS) in Denmark is currently presenting Tony Oursler’s well-known face and body projections on rag dolls, Vienna’s Galerie Steinek is showing his rarely exhibited works on paper created during the last 15 years. The works were acquired by Silvia Steinek over the course of many years and are now being shown in their entirety in Austria for the first time. The paper used in his works resembles the superficiality of human consciousness. In reality the “drawings” are often collages, pasted photographs of human bodies crawling in desperate postures or try to escape. Fleeing from the sea of colours is simply impossible. In his paintings, Oursler, who explores all kinds of philosophical terms ranging from the antique to the present day, interprets his translations of these terms into the 21. Century. Oursler is especially interested in faces and their expressivity. He is fascinated by the role of muscles in facial expressions. In a kind of glossary he deals with issues such as “smiling eyes”, alluding to the electric shocks, which Jacques Charcot experimented with in 1855 in the Hospital Salpetrière in Paris. Charcot is known to as the first neurologist, and one of his students was Sigmund Freud. Oursler’s work offers many reference to psychoanalysis His figures are not autonomous and seem to float through the sea of colour without any hierarchy. There is no above or below, no front or back or one above the other. Everything is next to each other and of equal significance. Theatrical accents stimulate his figures. Oursler offers us a small performance in colour and pencil. With the form of the drawing he creates a smaller format that constitutes an important experimental field for large-scale deliberations. All in all, Oursler’s presentation of drawings is a successful show. The exhibition of the artistic microcosm is insightful and easily comprehends Oursler’s projections and installations. Galerie Steinek 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 4 Tel.: +43 1 512 87 59 Fax: +43 1 512 87 59 email: galerie@steinek.at http://www.galerie .steinek.at Opening hours: Tue – Fri 13 – 18 hours, Sat: 11 -15 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Steinek
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 4
Tel: +431/512 87 59, Fax: +431/512 87 59
Email: galerie@steinek.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 13-18h
Sa: 11-15h

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