
230412: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein Bojan Sarcevic

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein Bojan Sarcevic 10.02.2012 – 06.05.2012 Necessary de-glorification By Wolfgang Ölz With the museum's first large exhibition of Bojan Sarcevic, the Liechtenstein Art Museum has succeeded in presenting a convincing view of an artist of the younger generation who, in his versatile work, can make the seemingly comprehensible incomprehensible. In accordance with the exhibition's title, "A Curious Contortion in the Method of Progress", the artist, born in Serbia and living in Berlin and Paris, leads the belief in progress, the system’s apparent lack of alternatives to the prescribed economic growth, ad absurdum. The steel rods with copper plates presented in the second room under the title "Eventuellement" make this especially obvious and amusing. The visitor immediately begins to ask himself where this galactic shelf system can be used to store books. In the era of IKEA Billy shelves, we are all children of efficient thinking and it is an artistic achievement to make this clear for the recipient. Absolutely spectacular and hulking are the two onyx-marble blocks, "She" at 1.7 tonnes and "He" at 5.5 tonnes. Additionally, the work "Presence at Night" is stretched across a corner of the same room. It's the balance of marble art and a work beyond any classical artistic concept that shows how large the range is that Bojan Sarcevic's works span. Room 3 shows films, which visualise multi-coloured, crumpled up paper which turns on its axis at the sound of reduced tones. In the fourth room, Sarcevic presents a selection of works from his own collection. It's not surprising to find a surreal work by Giorgio de Chirico among this selection, which shows the same dreamlike reality one finds in Sarcevic’s work. Definitely a show worth seeing that shouldn't baulk in comparison with other houses. To round off, one can also see the collection exhibited in the art museum where Andy Warhol is wall-to-wall with Joseph Beuys and similar calibres. Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein 9490 Vaduz, Städtle 32 Tel: +423 253 03 00 Fax: +423 253 03 29 email: mail@kunstmuseum.li http://www.kunstmuseum.li Opening hours: Tue - Sun 10.00-17.00 hours, Thu:10.00-20.00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein
9490 Vaduz, Städtle 32
Tel: +42 3-235 03 00, Fax: +42 3-235 03 29
Email: mail@kunstmuseum.li
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-17, Do 10-20 h

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