
270212: Kunstmuseum Stuttgart Michael Majerus Kunstmuseum Stuttgart Michael Majerus

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart Michael Majerus By Daniela Gregori If we are dead 26.09.11 – 6.04.12 Michel Majerus once said the it would be a pleasure to produce art work in the 90's because it was then possible for the first time to go after a work that didn't compulsively have to stay in one place for any length of time. It was exactly this decade that was granted to him as an aspiring artist until the 35-year old died in an air crash in Luxemburg in 2002. Majerus completed his studies under K.R.H.Sonderborg and Joseph Kosuth at the State Academy in Stuttgart in 1992. Exactly a decade for an early, main and late work and somehow this verve appears appropriate for an oeuvre that is often posthumously more highly praised than it was during the artist's lifetime. Because of the comprehensive show, the large formats and possibly also the gesture, the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart has turned itself upside down for the duration of the exhibition. The rooms on the ground floor and basement where once, prior to the construction of the Art Museum, skaters romped in an underpass, have been made free to accommodate the large format works, and place has been made for additive arrangements and extensive visual axis. The permanent collection of Modern Art will, without further ado, be presented in the cube, which is directly opposite, something that is very beneficial for the collection. Majerus, however, proves himself to be an uncompromising sampler, quasi as a pioneer of a procedure that is common practice today. He avails himself of the highs of classical art history and contemporaries, and the lows of the youth and everyday culture. Dürer and Warhol meet in ever-greater formats with Super Mario and the features of a colourful consumer world. Regarding the “better, bigger, brighter” Michel Majerus was a child of his time. What remains will be revealed over the next ten years. One of the most spectacular works, "If we are dead, so it is“, was completed by the deceased in the year 2000 in the Kölnische Kunstverein. A gigantic half-pipe, 42 m long and 10 m wide, which invited the scene of the time to utilize it during opening hours. The work was reconstructed at the Sevilla Biennale of 2004 and as of March 15, 2012 the children will be allowed to use it at the Stuttgart Schlossplatz. Almost two weeks later, the verdicts will be declared in the case of the air crash of November 2002. The artist's father is indifferent; that wouldn't bring his son back. Kunstmuseum Stuttgart 70173 Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 1 Tel: +49 (0) 711 - 216 21 88 Fax: +49 (0) 711 - 216 78 20 E-mail: info@kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de http://www.kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de Opening hours: Tue, Thu to Sun 10-18 hours, Wed and Fri: 10-21 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
70173 Stuttgart, Kleiner Schlossplatz 1
Tel: +49 (0) 711 – 216 21 88, Fax: +49 (0) 711 – 216 78 20
Email: info@kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18, Fr 10-21 h

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