
300112: Magazin 4 Ayse Erkmen – itself

Magazin 4 Ayse Erkmen – itself 03.12.11 - 19.02.12 An artist’s life in pictures Everyone, not only digital natives, knows what Googelitis is, the narcissistic fever to google one’s own name and proudly read about one’s electronically stored life-stages and take a close look at the photos. If an artist of Ayse Erkmen’s standing succumbs to this fever then she will definitely do it her way. Eve if her work is meant to “exist without a purpose”, the exhibition “itself” says a lot about the contemporary time and even more about its contemporaries. In any case, the timing for the exhibition at the Bregenz-based “Magazin 4” was perfect. In November, Erkmen’s work was the highlight at this year’s - overall rather disappointing - 54th Venice Biennial, and already in December her outstanding work was presented in Bregenz. Ayse Erkmen is undoubtedly a most rewarding example for Google. Internet images of wooden saints and angels hanging on ropes from helicopters flying over Münster or online images of passenger liners, brought to Frankfurt from all over the globe to revive the old ferry trade, are testimonials of spectacular and convincing art projects. The color and black-and-white, pin sharp and pixelated, motivic, symbolic and abstract pictures represent a small universe of today’s world. By Wolfgang Ölz Magazin 4 6900 Bregenz, Bergmannstraße 6 Tel: +43 / 5574 / 41 01 51 1 Fax: +43 / 5574 / 41 01 50 0 email: mail@magazin4.at http://www.magazin4.at Opening hours: Wed-Fri 16-19 hours, Sat, Sun 12-16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Magazin 4
6900 Bregenz, Bergmannstraße 6
Tel: +43 / 5574 / 41 01 51 1, Fax: +43 / 5574 / 41 01 50 0
Email: mail@magazin4.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 16-19, Sa, So 12-16 h

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