
141111: Otten Kunstraum Karl-Heinz Ströhle - Ornament and Aformation

Otten Kunstraum Karl-Heinz Ströhle - Ornament and Aformation 28.09.11 - 31.05.12 A (small) revelation Today, the old oil tower on the Otten-property in Hohenems in Vorarlberg’s Rheintal region serves as a “Black Cube”. The “Video in the oil tank – Gerda 2011” that is currently being presented in the tower is nothing less than a (small) revelation. In the interior of this circular space, the video is projected onto the wall like a Gothic rose window; no Christ in its center but a dancer dressed in black, arching its way through the steel bands like a caterpillar in a cocoon. The bendable spring steel, which always returns to its original form from its deformation or “aformation” as the artist calls it, could doubtlessly be regarded as the nub of the matter of Karl-Heinz Ströhles work. These three dimensional motions are transformed into two-dimensional ones in his paintings, which comprise the major part of his oeuvre. There is a certain closeness to Jackson Pollock’s “All over” when it appears as if complicated but actually simple mathematical calculations determine the balance of his works. The chubby forms also remind of Picasso or Henry Moore. University professor Bazon Brock reaches for the stars with Goethe and Punk, when he tries to position “Ströhle’s Aformatons”, in an extensive intellectual historic context described in the accompanying English/German catalogue. Ströhle was a former student of his at the University of Applied Arts in 1979 – 80. The Hohenems-based textile company Otten is one of the last dinosaurs of the nearly extinct Vorarlberg textile industry. Wilhelm Otten crowned his collection with the exhibition in his Otten Kunstraum. Today, the large property serves as an accommodation for chic upper-class parties, selling furniture and clothing for the Catholic charity organization Caritas and as a sorting hall for the regional post office. There are also numerous outdoor-sculptures, among others created by Tone Fink and the recently acquired 3 X 3.9 m spring steel sculpture by Karl-Heinz Ströhle. The concept of making industrial buildings located in the quiet southern outskirts of Hohenems more interesting and worthwhile visiting, gains full momentum with works by top-class artists such as Karl-Heinz Ströhle. By Wolfgang Ölz Otten Kunstraum 6845 Hohenems, Schwefelbadstrasse 2 Tel: +43 5576 90 400 Fax: +43 5576 70 4200 email: mail@ottenkunstraum.at http://www.ottenkunstraum.at Opening hours: Do 16:00 - 20:00 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Otten Kunstraum
6845 Hohenems, Schwefelbadstrasse 2
Tel: +43 5576 90 400, Fax: +43 5576 70 4200
Email: mail@ottenkunstraum.at
Öffnungszeiten: Do 16:00 - 20:00

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