
311011: Startgalerie im MUSA Brigitte Kovacs – Musenanruf

Startgalerie im MUSA Brigitte Kovacs – Musenanruf 14.10.11 – 05.11.11 When the muse allows itself to be kissed Even if muses, according to the original ancient Greek concept, are not of this world, today’s generally accepted interpretation is that of a person who inspires or motivates others - mainly artists - to develop something creative. Modern muses are no longer mythical figures but people in close contact with artists whose inspirational power evolves through their interpersonal relationship. Yet the perception of a muse remains extremely vague – the“muse’s kiss” being the Greek mythological interpretation of its appearance. Brigitte Kovats, on the other hand, interprets the phrase being “kissed by the muse” literally and presents photos showing her being kissed by a variety of different muses – all chosen by her. Her muses are far from being romantic figures but rather key figures of the Viennese art scene – and that clearly questions to which extent our romantic-creative imagination of art ignores sober reality. Do today’s muses achieve something simply by knowing the right people instead of breathing life into creativity? Next to the photos, Kovacs displayed the letters of refusals that she had received. And here again the various definitions of the term "muse" become apparent - with the predominant question being if one is actually suitable to be considered a muse in the first place. The photo series develop a kind of poetic power and partly come across as dreamy, thereby proving that art is obviously unable to exist without at least a breath of romanticism. And therefore it doesn’t come as a surprise that the muse is being kissed rather than vice versa, the selected muses could actually be thankful that hey have been chosen by the artist. But it remains to be answered if something like a creative spark evolved. By Wolfgang Pichler Startgalerie im MUSA 1010 Vienna, Felderstrasse 6-8, next to the town hall Tel: +43 (0) 1 4000 8400 Email: musa@musa.at http://www.musa.at/startgalerie Opening hours: Tue, Wed, Fri: 11 – 18 hours, Thu: 11 – 20 hours, Sat 11 – 16 hours
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Startgalerie im MUSA
1010 Wien, Felderstraße 6-8, neben dem Rathaus
Tel: +43 1 4000 8400, Fax: +43 1 4000-99-8400
Email: musa@musa.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di, Mi, Fr 11-18, Do 11-20, Sa 11-16 h

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