
250711: O.K. offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich High Altitude Euphoria 2 – Bridges in the Sky

O.K. offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich High Altitude Euphoria 2 – Bridges in the Sky 13.05 11 – 16.10.11 High altitude flight and bastards What was an absolute magnet for the public at its premiere shouldn't crash to the ground when launched again: "High Altitude Euphoria", spectacular course in and above the Open House of Culture in Linz was the strongest high-flyer in the year as European Culture Capital 2009 and, with 270,000 visitors, still ranks as the most prominent exhibition of modern art. After almost only eight weeks, "High Altitude Euphoria 2" can boast an attendance of 75,000 visitors, and the trend is rising…. With "HR.2", the OK presents 45 projects by 51 artists from 17 nations. With the focus on the themes of water and air, the team under director Martin Sturm has regenerated anew the supervisionary access to the area above Linz's city center. Art doesn't any longer have to clamber up a beguiling stairway to heaven when it is in need of redemption; benevolent bridges of solidarity have been erected downwards from the roof and both steeples of the Ursuline Church, which is part of the ambitious leisure and adventure park. The church room beneath it houses a sound installation by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller. And the venturesome construction of the two airy jetties (Conzett, Bronzini, Gartmann) is now not simply only one of the highlights for the amazed part-time carpenter. Even just below the clouds, the freedom of art is without boundaries; in thin air, the engineer's handiwork can easily overflow into the brainwork of the artist, oriented and free, applied (to life) and turned away (from life) becoming indistinct in the consonance of mixed feelings. Apropos: In the rather restrained gait to the church there's an unmistakable feeling of butterflies in the stomach and weak knees which, amongst other things, the exhibition wanted to target: because each half-ethereal, seeming rustle and swish which comes out of the innermost ear and the depths of the entrails, floating in giddiness, catchword of the innermost bastard. And one almost feels secure in the lap of the church, which always wanted to be a tower. The visual offerings of the work are impressive even if part of it appears to be stored in a "Blue Cabinet". Pipilotti Rist's percussive smoke bubble soap bubble machine counts as one of the absolute highlights, Ursula Stalder's stricken affluence and daily scrap iron from the Lagoon in Venice or Pepi Maier's snake-like entity in Baroque whorls made of ice. In any case, one shouldn't ignore the Power Tower of Energie AG Upper Austria which is an outpost of the OK where one unavoidably meets Eva Schlegel's cloud made out of 1,200 water balloons, Werner Reiterer's self-portrait as an aeronaut who has gone up to the ceiling, and, and, and ……….. And the peaceful pavilion by Jeppe Hein built of water, nozzles and masses of fun is put into the shadow of doubt by the fog sculpture of the Japanese artist, Fujiko Nakaya (born 1933!): developed in the 70's as an idea, swathes rise from the roof of the neighboring garage, fray and scatter, suddenly recede into entry and exit and then push forward into the air space over Linz and are no longer expelled from the recently discarded nimbus of "steel city". Spontaneously, but therefore all the more emphatically, they flare up - the surreal pictures of horror scenes of the atomic nightmare in Japan - poise like a deceptive glittering veil above the innocent-sensuous happening. And that will remain in the memory for a long time. By Stephan Maier O.K. offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich 4020 Linz, Dametzstrasse 30 Tel: +43 732 78 41 78 Fax: +43 732 77 56 84 email: office@ok-centrum,at http://www.ok-centrum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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