
270611: Secession Saskia Olde Wolbers

Secession Saskia Olde Wolbers 27.05.11 – 21.08.11 Illusions and memory space Off-key voices, psychedelic tones and sounds of nature, images of organically flowing spaces and of biomorphic entities. When the video artist, Saskia Olde Wolbers, tells stories, reality begins to drift into an abstract, traumatic condition. The Dutch-born artist transforms information from news, myths or fragments of daily conversations into surreal, seemingly claustrophobic film-like settings, which, in the end, leave the listener to his imagination. Because the image planes themselves are curiously uncoupled from the stories heard from the off. On account of a disturbing parcourse of highly artificial abstract worlds the visitor of this exhibition believes himself to be in the basement of the Secession. Three video works of the artist strike a reflective cord about the suggestive power of the pictures and the verisimilitude of the conveyed events - however they are presented. "Placebo" (2002), tells the story of a man who, for many years, deceived his fellow human beings into believing he was a doctor. The monologue is recited from the perspective of his loved one who, after they have both been involved in a car accident, finds herself in a hospital ward where the man is lying in a coma. A room devoid of people (the model of a ward) mutates into a fluid setting: liquid, clinically pallid white slops out of one corner of the room into the others forming droplets and bubbles. If you're looking for symbols of recalled memories - which are immediately swept away from one's train of thoughts - you'll find them in Olde Wolber's "Placebo". Hybrids of birds and plants enliven the images of her latest production, "Pareidolia". However, here there's nothing to be felt of the balancing act between reality and illusion, which is repeated time and again in the artist's works. Here, Saskia Olde Wolbers presents the artistic and constructive character - as seen in her other works - before your very eyes, so that one is hardly tempted to trawl through her stories for particles of truth. And when fiction covers the real to such an extent, the illusion is perfect By Manisha Jothady Secession 1010 Vienna, Friedrichstrasse 12 Tel: 01/587 53 07 Fax: 01/587 53 07-34 email: http://www.secession.at Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1010 Wien, Friedrichstrasse 12
Tel: +43 1 587 53 07, Fax: +43 1 587 53 07-34
Email: office@secession.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 14-18 h

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