
270611: Schwarzenbergplatz The Morning Line - Vienna

Schwarzenbergplatz The Morning Line - Vienna 08.06.11 - 20.11.11 Oddly sonorous Twenty tons of blackened aluminum and some steel poured in fractal geometric shapes whose basic structure forms pyramids with three-cornered basal areas: following guest visits in Venice, Seville and Istanbul, "Morning Line" is a three-dimensional artistic manifestation of cosmic regularities which has now landed in Vienna in front of the Hochstrahl Fountain on Schwarzenbergplatz. Everything started about seven years ago when Francesca Habsburg, the charismatic head of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (T-B A21) Foundation, asked the artist, Matthew Ritchie, to create a project that should portray no less than a three-dimensional reflection of the universe. Consequent to the fact that the universe is extremely variegated, it soon became clear that music and other artistic forms of expression would come into play. "I love breaking rules", says Francesca Habsburg, whose floating, interdisciplinary project should form a universal symbiosis in which art, architecture, performance, science, music, film, computer and graphic design and other disciplines played a role. And so the idea of "Morning Line" was born, a temporary, mobile pavilion, which could easily be dismantled, put into containers and transported around the whole world and - providing permission had been given - erected again in any desired place. "Morning Line" is a concept that allows the work to enter into a dialogue with the people, the city and public space that it temporarily occupies. For this, Matthew Ritchie, the architects Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch and Arup AGU developed a modular structure of tetrahedrons in four sizes. They are easily dismantled and can assume different guises in accordance with their parametric design. Added to this, Tony Myatt, Professor of Music Research Centre of the University of York and his students programmed the intersections between sound technology and spatial structure so that "Morning Line" also functions as sound instrument. With a height of about nine meters, the Vienna version of "Morning Line" spans approximately 23 meters and, with its fractal elements, creates two cavernous vaulted spaces, which define both a diaphanous as well as a definitive contained area. The opening in the centre incorporates the axis of the Schwarzenberplatz, while the points of the hybrid sound sculpture intone a dialogue with the houses at its perimeter. The musical programming is also geared to Vienna: curator Franz Pomassl selected 28 musicians to compose the music; ranging from Ghostigital to Carsten Nicolai, Mehmet Can Özer, Zavoloka to Christian Fennesz. And for the first time, there are video projections accompanying the sound installation, which can be experienced on the Schwarzenbergplatz round the clock until 20 November. By Isabella Marboe Schwarzenbergplatz 1010 Wien, http://www.tba21.org
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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