
300511: Grazer Kunstverein Isa Rosenberger - Espiral

Grazer Kunstverein Isa Rosenberger - Espiral 06.04.11 to 11.06.11 Turn, Spinning top, Turn Marla Glen said recently that she prefers small rooms for concerts. Likewise, Isa Rosenberger is to be found primarily in galleries, art societies, and institutes as currently in the Grazer Kunstverein where she is showing a comprehensive project. Rosenberger focuses on capitalist critique as, for example, Austrian banks which have expanded extensively in Eastern and Southeastern Europe and which are making, and have made, huge profits. The artist interlaces the contents expertly with the spatial planning as well as the structured dance choreography from Kurt Jooss' 1932 play "The Green Table" which is danced by ballerina Amanda Piña in front of the Austrian National Bank. Symptomatically, it's death which is danced here. The central projection is a real image that looks like a requisite of a shortened, green table that establishes the visual connection to the model. Jooss composed his piece to echo the world economic crisis of 1929 in which he had men in top hat and tails - definitely powerful men - convoke on a green table which was based on a gaming table in a casino and death danced the death dance which the powerless, the workers, the uninformed investors and savers pay to the informed at the cost of the powerful. Rosenberger places photography at the forefront of the exhibition, which thus establishes the historic connection. The main projections are two further side projections which spatially incorporate the symbol of a spiral, which is substantially represented by the financial spiral which the Austrian banks have set in motion in the new EU countries where they deduct money as profit - which they then have to transfer to other countries to domiciled mother firms. Somewhat apart, and therefore also not in the same order, stands a work on paper about a fountain in Bratislava with a circular dance space in the middle and spiral-form oscillating wings from which waters fall like a curtain. The correlation to the rest of the project is not immediately apparent but here again, the artist interlaces content with spatial planning which makes the entire exhibition so complex, impressive and magnificent. By Nora Theiss Grazer Kunstverein 8020 Graz, Palais Trauttmansdorff, Burggasse 4 Tel: + 43 316 83 41 41 Fax: + 43 316 83 41 42 E-mail: office@grazerkunstverein.org http://www.grazerkunstverein.org Opening hours: Mon - Fri 10.30 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat 10.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Grazer Kunstverein
8010 Graz, Palais Trauttmansdorff, Burggasse 4
Tel: + 43 316 83 41 41, Fax: + 43 316 83 41 42
Email: office@grazerkunstverein.org
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 11-18 h

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